{10 -Mental Illness}

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The blonde woman sat on a swing in the playground late at night

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The blonde woman sat on a swing in the playground late at night. She had just left the set where Mina had been filming. She made sure to stay with her until the end. Leah has always promised them to always be there for them no matter what. Of course, she went to encourage her maknae. She even bought her a huge bouquet of flowers. She would have the gift she bought her for delivered to her house the next day. She couldn't wait to see her reaction to the boxed she would be receiving. The entire time she stayed with Mina she couldn't help but smile and praise her. She would throw a few suggestions here and there, on how she looks at the camera or the way she dances. Mina always took into consideration trying it out and loving how Leah always made sure she looked good on camera. The younger girl beamed with happiness knowing that not only her leader, her friend and her mother were there supporting her. Leah had become so many things/people to the girls. She's always been there since day one supporting them. She made sure to show them her love and support wherever she was at. The half Korean Mexican girl felt like a proud mother watching the younger girl dance. They've always danced as a group so whenever she got the chance to sit back and watch her. She tended to admire those moments more than anything.

Her happy day had a turn in events when she received a call from Ivy at four in the morning. She furrowed her brows in confusion pulling out her phone. She answered the call leaving Mina's apartment building. "She knows.. When did you tell her?" She spoke softly into the phone. It almost sounded like a whisper as if she's trying not to wake anyone up. Leah tilted her head to the side unsure of what she meant. Her head turned to the side making sure no car was coming, she jogged down the road towards the other side. Ivy bit her thumb nail, hearing footsteps and shuffling from the other end. Meaning she had accidentally woken Leah up or she wasn't home at all. "Who? What? I don't know what you mean, Ivy." She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair as she made her way to her car. She pulled out her keys unlocking the car and rushing in. There were times at night where she felt extremely paranoid that someone might be following her. It was just trauma she has from visiting Mexico often when she was younger. She placed her phone on speaker phone as she turned her car reading to go home. She's had just a long exhausting day all she wanted to do is sleep.

"Bada unnie.. She knows about your depression." In that moment Leah felt her whole world stop. Her eyes widened as tears started to form. Her mouth slightly opened in realization that Bada found out. She found out about their mental illness before she could tell her. To tell the truth she wasn't keeping it a secret she just didn't know how or when to bring it up. Both of them are living busy lives and everything has been going very well. She's never been this happy nor has seen Bada this cheerful. She took a sharp breath in feeling all the air from her chest being knocked out. Her hands began to shake as her heart started to race. Her mind filled up with endless questions about the situation. She shook her head being in denial that her girlfriend knew. "No.. there's no way. I didn't say.." Her voice barely came up as a whisper as her eyes frantically looked everywhere. She tried to think straight of how it was possible she found out. Her head kept shaking now as her breathing became uneven. She furrowed her brows feeling a stinging pain on the right side of her chest. She felt like she was suffocating in the car. She took deep breaths in and out, the veins on her neck popping out. She tried to calm her breathing by listening to the beat of her heart but it only seemed to be making it worse. "Leah? Where are you? I'll come to you."

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