Assignment 76

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Welcome back, everyone!


1. Weekly and Biweekly Partners:

A. Weekly pairing: the way we all know and love. Two chapters of your partner's book with a summary comment by the end of the week.

B. Biweekly pairing: Read three (3) chapters of your partner's book over two weeks. Post by 6 PM two Mondays from your pairing that you're done. No summary comment is required. This is for those with busier schedules.

C. Participate in both A and B: If you want to pair up with two people, one doing a weekly and one doing biweekly, you can do this option. But it will mean more chapters and comments. No obligation to do this, just an added choice for those keen beans. It can only be done if there are enough readers, though.

Let us know what you think about this on Discord!

2. 💥WRITING SPRINTS - Anybody can toot the horn and start a sprint! We'll try to focus these at the weekends where possible so everyone can participate! But feel free to start at any time!

3. REMEMBER: Some of us have longer chapters than others, and the moderators were contacted about this in the past. Please do not hesitate to message your partner directly to discuss what is fair, as we're all a pretty tight bunch now. But if you need us or have questions, we're here for you.

4. 🕗 Just a reminder: If you don't post that you've finished your prior week's reading by Monday at 6:00 PM EST, you'll be removed from the subsequent week's rotations until you complete your reading.

🎺 (Blaring Horn!) And now...


(If anyone who is paired needs to get on the hiatus list, let us know ASAP! )

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Constructive criticism is a helpful way of giving feedback that provides specific, actionable suggestions. Rather than providing general advice, constructive criticism gives specific recommendations on how to make positive improvements. Constructive criticism is clear, to the point, and easy to put into action. Some might want more general things, like is it interesting, and others, much more detailed IF the reader is so inclined.

Please check for things your assigned partner is looking for below:

@aditibalaji100 - What I'm looking for: I'd love to get input mainly on the characters and the world-building. I'd love to know both what's working and what's not. I'd also appreciate help rephrasing stuff to make it sound sharper and easier to read.

@juliecotewriter - Would love any kind of feedback/editing with an eye toward feedback on the worldbuilding. Mainly things in the genre of, does it make sense and feel realistic, or are there places that should be explained more, or things that seem to contradict. For Wanderlust: looking at feedback on how the relationship is progressing and the character growth of the main characters.

@DelaneyBrenna - Would like any and all feedback partners would like to provide.

@PVChan01 - Would like partners to give feedback on anything that can be improved with gentle constructive criticism, as well as what is working and what you liked. Please look out for POV slips and character growth (particularly Hisoka since she is trying to add more slow and subtle growth in his character in part one since re-writing).

@RogueWriter55 - Would like to know if the story is interesting, clear, and concise. PLEASE, point out any typos or parts that sound like an IKEA manual written in Swedish. (Translation: it's not clear) I'll take any advice I can get.


📕 Remember to comment by your grouping, so we know you're done!

📗Minimum is two chapters, four inline comments, and a few lines at the end of the second chapter on what you thought, impressions, etc.

Since we're odd numbers we'll have three do a round robin group and the other two will pair.

If you're in the round robin, read one chapter of each person's book, and the other pair is two chapters, as usual. We'll rotate around each other until another joins, and the numbers are even again. Thank you, everyone, for your awesome understanding.


aditibalaji100 (Tails Across Time) - (The Wanderlust Series) juliecotewriter

(Rise of The Genie) RogueWriter55 - PVChan01 (Wild Card's Queen)


Sugarbabes Round Robin Reading Group [Closed Group]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora