🎄BOOK of the MONTH - 8

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Good evening to the best reading group on Wattpad!

Hope you all had a LOVELY break if you were celebrating in the States, out of the States, shopping, eating, hanging out, etc. I know the 'read load' isn't heavy in the club, read two chapters and comment, but still, it's nice to take breaks. We have our next and longest coming up from Dec 18, 2022, to January 8, 2023. Why?

It's the holidays coming up for many in the group... and who wants to do reading assignments when you all can be out buying presents 🎁for ME?? 😁

😆 Just kidding 😆

Next week, we'll return to regular pairs before the winter/holiday break. But, if anyone is interested in reading during the break, say a chapter for a chapter, just post for those of us who might have a little time on our hands.  Discord will still be available for all who care to partake!

By the way, aditibalaji100 Safe travels, friend!!!🚗🚢✈🛴(You are offically on hiatus)

But now it's time to get back to it with the BOOK of the MONTH!

(🎺 🎺 Blaring horns and 🕺💃dancers dance because... wait a minute...)

Whoa, I'm book of the month... Dang, KitCatK8 where did the year go???

Well, read a couple of chapters of The Clearing or The Clearing Origins by RogueWriter55 and comment 

(juliecotewriter I understand, you've read both, and if you don't feel like revisiting...  you should dedicate the time to two chapters of Waterborne... all I'm gonna say😏)


*@BlameSaiki - Would like to know if the story is enjoyable and if the reader would like to go deeper. If not, what turns people away? What is the story missing?

*@freya_inkwell- Writes fantasy but currently joining the group as an extra reader.

*@EliP56 - Because of my past experience, I realize that I become so obsessed with editing that I stop writing (XD) The focus has changed. I'm looking more for thoughts on the characters, plot, and plot holes. Not necessarily looking for grammar or deep/rough editing-type comments.

*@Shannara2 - I'm looking for a reader who will be able to pinpoint grammar mistakes, punction marks, and redundancy, without changing the main theme of my story. I don't want a skimmer, I want a genuine reader with genuine comments and not negative criticism.

*@aditibalaji100 - What I'm looking for: I'd love to get input mainly on the characters and the world-building. I'd love to know both, what's working and what's not. I'd also appreciate help with rephrasing stuff to make it sound sharper and easier to read.

If the listing is wrong, let us know.

Any other notes, questions, or comments, please contact KitCatk8 or RogueWriter55!

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