Chapter Fourteen:Mercy Kill

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FINCH LEPT FROM her spot like a lion going after its prey

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FINCH LEPT FROM her spot like a lion going after its prey. Finch had reached the entrance to the tunnels before most of the Tributes had even left their spots. Finch ran straight into the tunnels and refused to look behind her, she had a plan she needed to lay low for a while and then she could help Marcus.

Finch's legs began to burn the harder and faster she ran, she eventually rounded a corner and collided straight into somebody the two landed on the hard tunnel floor with a large thud. Finch looked across from her and saw she had collided with Teslee from Three, the girl looked at Finch with fear in her eyes, with Finch quickly noticing she's defenceless.

"I'm looking for Circ, have you seen him?"Teslee asks her voice full of nerves.

Finch stands up and holds her hand out to the defenseless girl, Teslee accepts the help and allows Finch to pull her up feet.

"I haven't seen him,"Finch tells Teslee.

Teslee looked down at her feet. "I just hope he's okay"Teslee responds quietly.

Finch sighs and attempts to cheer her up. "I'm sure he'll be okay, he seems smart"Finch says trying to reassure her.

Teslee looks up at her with a small smile, the pair soon depart from one another but as she's walking away Teslee calls out to her. "I'm sorry about Marcus"Teslee tells her with genuine care in her voice.

Finch doesn't respond, her mind refocusing on her mission after the quick detour. She was needed to help Marcus as soon as possible.

FINCH HAD FINALLY found an exit back into the arena, the girl from Two having quickly gotten lost after leaving Teslee but soon enough she managed to find what seemed like another entrance back into the arena. The exit was full of concrete slabs, and wooden planks and when she stood on her tiptoes she saw barbwire surrounding all of it.

Finch slowly climbed up and out of the hole, her hands gripped the entrance and carefully pulled herself up, in the process she scraped her hand on the barbwire that surrounded the exit. Finch bit down hard on her tongue to avoid a scream escaping her lips.

Finch stood up straight and saw the structure with Marcus atop it and headed straight for it but she stopped short at the pile of weapons, most of them had remained untouched as most of the tributes seemed to have decided to run just like Finch had. Finch looked through the pile of weapons for a moment before picking up a hunting knife that lay at the base.

Finch inspected the weapon carefully before looking up at Marcus. "It should be enough to cut the ropes with right?" Finch thought to herself.

She went with it, carefully slipping the weapon into the loop on her trousers, and began her walk over to where Marcus was. Finch stood at the base of the structure for what felt like a lifetime, she ignored the nerves that began to build in her stomach and began her accent up one side of the beam, Finch wasn't a natural climber so it took every ounce of strength to get up there but she reached the top eventually.

Once she was at the top she slowly made her way over to Marcus and knelt beside him, Finch decided she had to check on him she carefully placed her hand on his head and raised it slightly, and to her surprise, one of his bruised and swollen eyes opened.

He was still alive.

"Please..."Marcus begged Finch's eyes locking with his as tears began forming in them. Finch coming to the horrible realization of what he wanted her to do.

"I can't.."Finch responds her voice barely above a whisper. "Not to you"

"Please Finch please..."Marcus begs once more.

Finch inhaled deeply, it was the only option she had, she turned her head briefly to look at a camera, a part of her hoped Marcus's mom wasn't watching but she had to do this anyway and mouth "I'm sorry" at the camera.

Finch took another deep breath and placed her hand gently on his head. "I'm sorry,"she tells Marcus before plunging the hunting knife straight into the side of his neck, she leaves it there for a moment and watches as Marcus's eyes close again and his head falls forward. She carefully pulls the knife out and wipes Marcus's blood on her trousers.

Tears began to well in her eyes as she moved over to where the rope were bound and began trying to cut them, this proved to be a difficult task as her vision became blurry the more she cried but she had to get him down.

Finch's hand began to burn but she was finally able to cut through one of the ropes this left Marcus swinging from the other side, she quickly raced over to the other rope and began furiously cutting the other one, she got through it a lot quicker and Marcus's body soon came crashing down to the ground with an awful thud.

Finch remained where she was crouched tears fully staining her face. What was she supposed to do now?.

Soon enough a buzzing sound was heard nearby, a drone carrying a bottle of water was making its way over to her but Finch realized very quickly that the drone was moving way too fast, it looped around and dipped before crashing into the cross beam about ten feet away from her and falling to the ground, the bottle of water cracking open on impact and it's contents spilling out.

Finch groaned in annoyance of course the one time Florus tried to do anything actually useful it ends up in disaster but what else could she expect from the Capitol and its people? Soon enough however the sound of buzzing and whirring enters the area again and Finch looks up and sees another drone this time it was moving more slowly and made a stop just in front of her. Finch reached out carefully and took the bottle of water.

Maybe Florus was good for something Finch thought to herself she held the bottle up to the camera in a cheers-like fashion as a show of gratefulness, Finch deciding to stroke her mentor's ego just a bit to keep him taking care of her.

Finch carefully unscrewed the lid and took a sip of the water Finch only now just realizing how desperately she needed it.

"Can I get some water?"Lamina's quiet but familiar voice called out the dark red-haired girl looking up at her with a smile.

Finch nodded the pair having agreed before the games started that they would take care of one another and she was going to do so, she watched as Lamina climbed up the beam like a graceful gazelle who had been doing this all her life, and being from seven she most likely had.

Lamina carefully sat herself down next to Finch, placing the axe down beside her. Finch eyed the axe playfully. "Is that an incentive for me to give you water?"Finch questioned playfully.

Lamina smiled, the naturally quieter girl shaking her head no, Finch smiled as she handed Lamina the bottle of water allowing her to drink straight from it. To Finch there was no time to be worrying about germs they were all going to be dead soon anyway.

The two lovebirds fell into a peaceful silence with Finch having no idea of the problem coming her way.

Strength and Wisdom(Lamina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora