Chapter Five:Meeting the Mentor

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The Monkey Cage was rather quiet, the tributes seemed to remain in their District pairs, some choosing to branch out and mingle with the others but most choosing to stay apart

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The Monkey Cage was rather quiet, the tributes seemed to remain in their District pairs, some choosing to branch out and mingle with the others but most choosing to stay apart.

Finch is sitting with Marcus the older boy somehow managing to be even quieter than usual. The not so happy reunion with his old friend from Two really affecting Marcus.

"Are you okay?"Finch asks suddenly breaking the awkward tension between them

"I'm fine Finch,"Marcus tells her casually.

"You sure, you've been even quieter than normal"Finch reminds him honestly.

"I'm fine, I promise,"Marcus tells a fake smile on his face.

Finch sighs realizing, she's not going to get through to her district partner anytime soon, she decides to just leave him be for a bit. Finch spots Lamina and Treech sitting on a large rock in the middle of the Monkey cage so she decides to go talk to them.

"Hey Lamina, hey Treech, how you doing?"Finch asks as she sits down by the rock crossing her legs.

Finch can hear small sniffles coming from Lamina, so Finch takes hold of her hand and squeezes it gently. "Lamina, you okay?"Finch questions quietly.

"I miss home,"Lamina says quietly with tears falling from her sky-blue eyes.

Finch squeezes her hand gently. "It's gonna be okay,"Finch tells her as gently as she can.

A small smile appears on Lamina's face. "Will you stay with us for a while?"Lamina asks with hopefulness in her voice.

Finch smiles. "If that's what you want,"Finch tells her.

Finch and the tributes from Seven fall into quiet chatter and just enjoy the small amount of peace.

The tribute's peace is broken by the Peacekeepers storming into the Monkey cage, the tribute's looks up confused and concerned with no idea why the peacekeepers are here.

"What's going on?"Lamina asks her voice full of fear.

Finch and Treech look around the cage in confusion. "I don't know, but I'm sure it'll be okay, right Treech?"Finch says looking directly at Treech silently trying will the to agree with her.

"I don't know,"Treech says casually.

Finch smacks Treech's leg and he looks at her with a look of hurt and confused "Ow! What was that for?"Treech asks rubbing his leg.

Finch rolls her eyes. "First off that didn't even hurt and second"Finch starts before nodding her head towards where Lamina is and Treech finally figures out what Finch is going on about.

Treech gently rubs Lamina's shoulders. "I'm sure things will be okay,"Treech says trying to be reassuring.

A pair of Peacekeepers interrupts the group and leads them out of the Monkey cage, they are taken to a truck similar to the one they arrived in a day ago, and the tributes are roughly shoved inside. Finch sits down on one of the benches, she has Mizzen on the left side and Marcus on the other side.

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