Chapter Six:Calm before the Storm

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Much to Finch's annoyance, Florus Friend kept his word

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Much to Finch's annoyance, Florus Friend kept his word. He and a whole group of other Mentors came down to the Monkey cage. Finch was sitting atop a large lock in the middle of the cage when Florus approached a stupid proud grin on his face as he approached the cage.

"Finch!"Florus called pridefully, waving some food wrapped in plastic wrap in her direction with a smirk on his face. "I have what you asked"

Finch sighed a deep sigh and had to physically stop herself from going over there and punching his lights out knowing if she did the peacekeepers would retaliate against her. Finch turned to Lamina who was sitting beneath the rock Finch was on.

"Kill me now,"Finch says angrily grinding her teeth in the process.

Lamina looks up at her with a small smirk. "Good luck,"She tells her with a smile as Finch jumps off her rock and playfully flips Lamina off as she walks away.

Finch heard Lamina laugh quietly to herself as she approached the area where Florus was standing still waving the packet of food in the air, the proud smirk still plastered on his face making the urge to punch him get stronger with every step towards him.

When she finally reached him, he handed the packet of food to her carefully through the bars, Finch took it reluctantly before sitting down on the ground, Florus had a disgusted look on his face before he sat on the ground as well. "I told you I'd come, and I brought food like you asked,"Florus tells her.

Finch rolls her eyes at her pretentious mentor. "Wow, you have basic human empathy and decency good for you,"Finch remarks snarkily before unwrapping the sandwich and taking a bite.

Florus groans in annoyance at his tribute's snarkiness. "Look, I get you don't like me but the only way this is going to truly work is if we try to work together"Florus pleads with his tribute. "No matter what you think I am trying to help you"

"No you aren't"Finch tells him bluntly as an angry look appears on her face. "We went through this like three hours ago, you just want to win the prize to make your already cushy capital life even better"

The anger and bitterness is clear in Finch's voice, and Florus can tell he's not going to get very far with her. "What's it going take? What do I have to do to get you to cooperate with me"Florus asks desperately.

Finch rolls her eyes at his stupidity. "Isn't it obvious?"Finch questions Florus who has a dumbfounded look on his face which makes Finch want to slap him so bad. "I want you to try and care, find that part of your cold heart that has some empathy and care about my life because I'm the one who could lose the most not you".

Florus continues to look at her completely confused. "How do I do that?"he asks genuinely.

Finch mentally face palms, she pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes mentally willing herself not to kill him. "Ask me how I am, ask me how I'm feeling, ask me about my fucking life"Finch tells him with clear annoyance in her voice.

Florus pauses looking behind the bars and watching the tributes who are performing for the camera and the people around the cage. "They look like they're having fun"Florus notes, deliberately avoiding asking Finch questions about her life.

Finch sighs and turns her back to Florus to see what he's talking about, she sees Sheaf the girl from Nine doing a back handspring, as a result she receives a bread roll from the crowd. Treech also puts on a show for the crowd by juggling walnuts, a smile appears on Finch's face as he shares his prize with Lamina.

Finch turns back to Florus and notices the way he's staring at Treech and Sheaf. "Bet you're wishing you got one of them instead of me huh?, think they'd be more cooperative with you"Finch deduces from the deer in headlights look on his face.

"I uhh-um"Florus sutters. "So how are you?"

Finch rolls her eyes knowing he's only asking to change the subject. "I'm fine, how are you?"Finch asks being polite.

A smile appears on Florus face. "I'm doing well thank you"Florus responds.

Before he can ask more questions, Finch hears people clapping and cheering she turns around and sees Ginnee and Otto from Six doing a funny dance in the middle of the cage infront of the camera's. The Mentors for Otto and Ginnee started the clapping to make a beat for them to dance too.

Finch begins to clap along too as they dance, she whoops and cheers loudly. "Woo! Go Ginnee! Go Otto!"Finch shouts a wide smile on her face.

"They're quite talented"Florus tells Finch.

Finch laughs. "If your about to ask if I can dance like that then your out of luck, we don't really do dancing back in Two unless it's for a wedding"Finch tells him.

"Do you have any skills?"Florus asks and when Finch looks at him she can see he's being genuine in his questioning.

Finch sighs. "I know how to fight"Finch tells him and watches as his eyes light up. "I've also beem working as apprentice blacksmith so I know how to fix and make tools and weapons"

Florus looks at her with genuine corisoity. "Is balcksmithing hard?"Florus asks.

"It depends on the weapon or tool you're making"Finch tells him casually taking another bite of the sandwich Florus gave her. "It's very long hours for not much money but It's something to do I guess"

Florus looks at her facinated finally begining to see Finch as more than just a burnden who wont cooperate with him. "So what about you? What do you do with your time?"Finch asks the older boy.

"Not much to behonest I mostly focus on school, I really want to get into the university when I graduate"Florus tells her genuinly.

Mentor and Tribute fall into silence as they watch each other, trying to figure out what to say next, this is inturupted by a loud scream.

Finch and Florus look over and see Brandy from District 10 grab hold of her mentor and yanks her towards the bars of the cage, in one swift motion she cuts her mentors throat.

Then all hell broke loose around them.

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