Chapter Four:Life in the Monkey Cage

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Finch watches as the Capitol boy and the girl in the rainbow dress walk up to the man speaking into the camera, the Capitol boy puts his rose in the girl's hair

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Finch watches as the Capitol boy and the girl in the rainbow dress walk up to the man speaking into the camera, the Capitol boy puts his rose in the girl's hair. A gag escapes from Finch's mouth as the display. Finch doesn't know what the boys game is but she knew the boy was using the girl.

Finch looks outside the Monkey cage that she  and the others were dumped in and sees that lots people from the Capitol have come to gawp and point at the tributes like they were a circus troop or something.

"What you looking at?"Marcus questions as the older boy walks over to were Finch is,

"I don't trust that Capitol boy, he's using that girl for something,"Finch explains her thoughts to Marcus.

"He's her mentor, he might want to help her,"Marcus tells her trying to sound hopeful.

Finch scoffs. "That's bullshit! He's a Capitol boy, his people literally just dumped us in a fucking monkey cage, Marcus. They don't want to help us, they want to watch us suffer and die" Finch tells the older boy venomously.

Marcus sighs. "Are all the kids from the Marrow house as trusting as you?"Marcus asks the fifteen-year-old sarcastically trying to lighten the mood.

Finch sticks her tongue out at Marcus and flips him off.

Suddenly the back door to the Monkey cage opens up and two peacekeepers storm in and walk up to the Capitol boy and begin to try to drag him out of the cage, he tries to protest and says something to his mentee before he is fully dragged out of the monkey cage.

"Do you think any of our Mentor's will come?"The voice of Mizzen asks as he sits down next to the tributes from Two.

Finch sighs to herself. "I hope so, we need food and water if we're going to survive as the human body can only last so long without before we'll die of starvation or dehydration"Finch explains casually.

Mizzen looks up at Finch his doe brown eyes  wide with fear and worry. Marcus laughs quietly to himself before leans in so he can whisper in Finch's ear. "That's not very comforting Finch, he's like thirteen"Marcus whispers.

Finch looks back at Mizzen and now being able to fully see his face which is no longer shrouded by the darkness of the cattle cart. She realizes what Marcus is talking about and notices how young he is and clears her throat in an awkward manner.

"I mean I'm sure they'll come and they'll bring food and maybe water too"Finch says with a small smile trying to reassure the young boy.

Mizzen face quick lights up. "You really think so? What kind of food do you think they have here?"Mizzen asks with happiness in his voice.

Finch shrugs. "Probably, I bet the food here so grand it'll make you sick"Finch explains.

Marcus places a hand on Finch's shoulder and squeezes it gently. "Good job"Marcus tells her before walking away.

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