Chapter Nine:Arena Vist and Explosion

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THE TRIBUTES WHERE left outside for hours, the hot blazing sun beat down on them

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THE TRIBUTES WHERE left outside for hours, the hot blazing sun beat down on them. Finch could feel the back of her neck begin to burn. The tributes have no idea how long they have been left outside the funeral place.

Their prayers are soon answered when the truck begins to move again, Finch and the others believe they will be taken back to the zoo but they soon realize that this was not the case when they are driven in the opposite direction of the zoo.

Finch felt Lamina squeeze her hand, Finch looked over at her gave her a reassuring smile, and squeezed her hand in a comforting way.

"Where do you think we're going?"The gruff but calm voice of Panlo asks across from

Finch looked at the older boy he had curly brown hair and a kind smile on his face, Finch had never really spoken to him before Panlo tended to stick side by side with his District partner Sheaf. "I don't know, probably to die,"Finch told the older boy bluntly.

Laughter escaped from Panlo's lips, a confused look appeared on Finch's face. "Why are you laughing?"Finch questions.

"You, you're very blunt and pessimistic aren't you"Panlo tells her a large smile on his face.

"We're going to die soon,"Finch tells him bluntly once again a fire in her eyes.  "Why would I be anything over than pessimistic and blunt"

Before Panlo could answer the truck stopped and the large door was pulled open, guns were aimed at the tributes as they began escorting them out of the truck, as a peacekeeper grabbed Panlo he turned to look at Finch. "It's never too late to find hope,"he tells her with a large smile.

Finch lets his words sink in and begins to rattle inside her mind, her arm is soon grabbed by a peacekeeper and she is dragged out of the truck, when Finch looks at her surroundings she sees a large building in front of her.

Finch remains shackled by her wrists as she is escorted towards the front of the line that has been created outside of the building, she is placed behind Facet from one, Finch eyes the building in front of her it looks quite old and grand.

After a few minutes of standing, Florus began to approach she saw him out of the corner of her eyes and rolled them in annoyance, the boy made it painstakingly obvious he didn't want to be there by the gap he left between himself and Finch, a clear dived between Mentor and Tribute.

The two remained completely silent, neither of them wanting to speak to the other, soon enough the tributes began to be escorted inside, and the two walked side by side, they entered in complete silence the sound of the tributes and mentor's footsteps echoed across the walls. As Finch walked through the turnstiles an automated voice called out "Enjoy the show"

Finch cringed at the voice. "Lovely,"She says sarcastically she expected some response out of Florus but the older boy remained silent.

As Finch entered the main area, she couldn't help but awe at her surroundings, the area was completely open air so the whole place was bathed in the hot sun, and stands could be seen for rows and rows and Finch couldn't help but imagine all the people that once sat in those seats. The main area was a circle shape it left no room for anyone to hide, Walls surrounded the place blocking entrance to the stands that were much too tall for Finch to climb.

Finch's mind began to run with ideas of what she could do, and that's when she noticed that a camera crew was filming the tributes and mentors.

"Do you have any sort of game plan?"Florus asks speaking to Finch for the first time in two days.

Finch looked at the older boy. "Not dying,"Finch tells the older boy a snarky smile on his face.

Florus said nothing and just walked away, Finch's shacks rattled as she lifted her hands and flipped off the boy as he walked away.

"Things going well?"The voice of Lamina questioned, the dark redhead walking over to her.

A smile almost instantly appeared on Finch's face, she had just begun to notice the effect Lamina had on her way, just her presence alone could lift Finch's mood and a weird feeling would form in her stomach. "Great," Finch tells her sarcastically her smile growing wider. "Things might go better with you though"

Lamina looked at her curiously. "Like an alliance or something?"Lamina questions. "Don't you want to be with Marcus"

"Yeah, of course, but why can't we all team together, me, you, Marcus, and Treech if he wants to"Finch continues to pitch her idea.

"It could work,"Lamina says the gap between the two begging to close.

"Of course it my-"Finch was cut off by a loud explosion going off around her.

FINCH WAS THROWN to the ground, smacking her head against the floor of the arena, she pulled her knees up to her chest and curled into a ball making herself as small as possible just as she was found after the explosion that killed her parents. 

The memory flashed clear as day in her mind transporting her back to that moment, the Blaze family had been in one of the many weapons factories that day, her parents hadn't been rebels in Finch's young eyes at the time, she just saw her parents trying to do the right thing by their District.

They had brought Finch with them that day and they did their job as normal, building and making weapons, but unlike any other day that factory was bombed, Finch had somehow been able to survive that day being one of only five or six people.

She remembered how she found her parent's bodies and how she screamed for them to wake up just like she was doing in the present day.

Finch was pulled from her traumatic memory by a hand being placed on her shoulder, she looked up and saw it was Lamina, the girl looked at Finch with sadness in her eyes this was something Finch would normally hate but in that moment she didn't.

Lamina gently helped her up, pulling her into a standing position, she placed an arm around her and held her close, the two remained silent but Finch knew deep in her heart Lamina had heard her childish screams for her parents.

The two were soon found by Peacekeepers and were escorted back to the truck and when Finch looked around for Marcus she was he wasn't there but where could he be?

Where was Marcus?

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