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Addiction grips the heart and mind,
A cruel and unrelenting force,
That steals away the light of life,
And leaves us lost without a course.

It starts so innocently,
A little taste of pleasure's fire,
But soon the flames consume us whole,
And leave us shackled to desire.

The cravings come with every breath,
A constant hunger we can't sate,
A thirst that cannot be quenched,
A hunger we can't negate.

We try to break its grip on us,
To break free from its deadly hold,
But every time we make progress,
It seems to tighten, to take its hold.

It's like a weight upon our souls,
A burden we can scarcely bear,
And though we try to cast it off,
It seems to cling to us like a snare.

But there is hope for those who seek,
A path to freedom from the chains,
A way to break the bonds of addiction,
And find new life in brighter plains.

So let us reach out for the light,
And find the strength to overcome,
For though addiction may be strong,
The human will is never outdone.

Shades of emotions: A Journey through poetry Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ