Never again

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Never again, a solemn vow,
A way to find the strength somehow.
A world that's filled with endless pain,
A hope that's always to remain.

The things we see, the things we know,
The moments that we all must go.
The memories that we all recall,
The things we said, the things we saw.

But in the midst of all the fear,
A way to see and persevere.
A hope that's always to remain,
A way to rise and fight again.

The steps we take to find our way,
The things we do to seize the day.
The moments that we all create,
The things we do to change our fate.

Never again, a solemn vow,
A way to find the strength somehow.
A world that's filled with endless pain,
A hope that's always to remain.

So let us learn to hold our own,
And find a way to make it known.
For when we learn to trust and grow,
We'll find a way to let it flow.

Shades of emotions: A Journey through poetry Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt