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Jealousy, a poison deep,
A wound that's hard to heal or keep.
A fire that burns within the soul,
A pain that never seems to grow old.

Jealousy, a monster fierce,
A demon that we must all pierce.
A shadow that we cast ourselves,
A fear that we must face and delve.

Jealousy, a thief of joy,
A trap that we must all avoid.
A prison that we build ourselves,
A curse that we must break and quell.

For jealousy will eat us whole,
A cancer that will take its toll.
But if we learn to let it go,
A freedom we will come to know.

So let us learn to love and share,
And not give in to dark despair.
For jealousy will only fade,
When we embrace the light of shade.

Shades of emotions: A Journey through poetry Where stories live. Discover now