Our own world

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Our own world, a place to be,
A space where we can all be free.
A place where dreams can take flight,
A canvas where we can all write.

Our own world, a place to roam,
A haven where we can call home.
A place where we can all belong,
A refuge when the world goes wrong.

Our own world, a place to play,
A wonderland where we can sway.
A place where we can all explore,
A world that we can all adore.

Our own world, a place to grow,
A garden where our souls can sow.
A place where we can all create,
A world that we can all relate.

Our own world, a place to thrive,
A sanctuary where we can survive.
A place where we can all be true,
A world that we can all renew.

Shades of emotions: A Journey through poetry Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant