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A season, oh season, how you change,
From summer sun to winter range,
You come and go, as the months pass,
Each one unique, with its own class.

Spring brings buds, new life and light,
The world awakens, after a long night,
The flowers bloom, the trees turn green,
And everything is fresh and clean.

Summer brings the heat, the sun so bright,
Long days and warm nights, a true delight,
The beach, the pool, the lazy days,
The memories that forever stay.

Autumn comes, the leaves turn gold,
The air turns cool, the days grow old,
The harvest time, a season of plenty,
A time to reflect, to be content and happy.

Winter brings the snow, the cold, the chill,
The world turns white, and time stands still,
The holidays come, the fires burn,
A time to gather, for everyone to return.

A season, oh season, each one so dear,
A time to cherish, a time to hold near,
Each one a chapter, in the book of life,
A story to be told, to be shared, to be rife.

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