Chapter 1: Awakening

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Waking up, Archer slowly open his eyes with a yawn and began to raise his hand and wipe his eye.

Archer: Is it morning?

Sitting up, He turn his head to his left and right as the realization kicked in.

Archer: Where the hell am I?!

He yelled before he clenched his jaw shut to stay quiet and tried to leap off the bed that he laid on but as if he lost all of his strength, he just fall face first onto the ground. Grunting, he brought himself up as he took a quick glance around to get the environment into his mind.

Archer: This is a messy small room, It does not look familiar at all, but why am I here...?

Noticing that there was nobody but him in the room and he does not feel any danger, he kept his mind cool and looked to his right as his gaze narrowed.

Archer: This is not my body...

Archer: Nor is this my voice

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Archer: Nor is this my voice... The hell is happening... and what is with these stretched earlobes, Some sort of sub-Saharan African culture?




To brief the situation, It would appear that Archer after losing his form after the battle, It seem that somehow he has re-appeared within a new body, it was clear that this could not be the doing of the Throne Of Heroes nor has this ever was suppose to happen unless somehow it was the cause of the counter-force but even then...

Furthermore, The mess within this small room was irritating to witness anyway so he does what he does best... He began to clean the mess of this room and reorganizing all of the items.

Poster's, magazines, small cooking books, stacks of unfinished school papers and school reports as well a piggy bank.

Wiping his hand clean from the dust, he stares at the much more presentable room with a nod,

Archer: Whatever is happening, this room has no excuse to be in such a filthy state.

Turning his head to the door, he opens it to looked down where there was to say around 6 steps down.

Archer: Clearly some attic of sort's...

Walking downstairs where there was to his left with more doors and to the right was what seemed to be a open door to a bathroom. Making his way downstairs, he has arrived Infront of the front door, with the living room to his left and to his right was a kitchen with two elderly folks sitting.

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