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To keep yall interested, here are some moons headcanons (just titan, triton and jupiter's bigger moons. I'm too lazy to reveal the rest)

Extra for Luna: has D.I.D

Titan Caelum

-Has a crush on Terra (not gonna be requited or official. I just think its fun)

-7th grader

-Panromantic (BECAUSE SEX SUCKS !!11!!!)

-is "friends" with his dad's students

-academic achiever


-besties with Luna

-his step siblings are bad influences on him

Ganymede Caelum

-straight but ally

lowkey weirded out rn (Ganymede was kidnapped by Zeus to be his lover... keep in mind he was still a teen. but hey, Uranus's wife is also his own mother :3)

-to make up for that, Ganymede is a copy of his step-father

-oldest (hes in the 8th grade)

-got bullied for simply existing.

Callisto Caelum

-got bullied but sometimes stood up for herself and brothers

-ganymede's twin but younger by 6 minutes

-hates her brothers

-bi (pref for women)

-a sucker for music

-that type of influencer who defends on the right thing (whether homophobia, racism, etc. shes also famous)


-only daughter

Phoroneus "Io" Caelum

-Io's other names is phoronis, a varient of her brothers name, phoroneus. but because of how hes so interested in astronomy and Mythology (as he pays attention to his dad), he calls himself Io.



-best at science and talks A LOT about his interest

-youngest (6th grade)

Triton Amphitrite

-amphitrite was triton's mother

-oldest among his siblings but so fucking tired he doesn't even want to walk to class (same.)

-looks up to neptune

-8th grader (got held back)

-talks a lot with pluto and the other dwarf planets

Europa Agenor

-bi (no pref)

-got bullied cuz they thought she was a lesbian but she was actually half lebanese

-dating ganymede (this was bound to happen)

-mentally ill (Bipolar things (this is not to joke around ofc i think people who romanticize mental illness are uncanny))


Venus gets Isekai'd as a human (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ