''You are not here to conform''

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planet of love woke up in a void. everything was pitch black, yet he was in planet form. but there was no sun. no planets. just him. and whatever earthling that is... until he realized it was Venus the human.

"Who are you?!" The earthling screamed.

"no who are you?!" the planet replied as if it was a spiderman reference.

they continued to bicker before the smarter one decided to talk about something else.

"okay... so you're.. Venus. and I'm Venus."

"how did your parents even come to that conclusion?" the planet asked.

"...are you insulting your name?" the human tries to outsmart a celestial body.



well that just silenced the earthling.

"ahem.. May I ask why?" the earthling was curious.

"well.. YOUR SPECIES CALLED ME GODDESS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY." The planet yelled so loud the entire universe probably heard it.

"well... what's wrong with being called god of love?" and now it was the planet's turn to be flustered.

"well enough!" It took a while for the human to realise. 'Ohhh.'

"well uhm... perhaps a better question is how this happened..." the planet stated. as they both thought, I guess they were one in the same thing...

"what if, a witch cursed me?" the human version explains

"wow, you humans are so dense yet you manage to travel to space yet, so suspicious? and I thought you were going to be the end of all of us." as much as Venus the celestial body praises certain types of humans, he cannot believe some of them believe the earth is flat.

"hey! I dunno! what is your guess since this had happened before!" yet the sarcasm of the human didn't reach the stupid planet.

"this never happened?!"

"and you are an entire celestial body! yet can't guess whether it was a joke?"

the two started to be silent after another cat fight. before the human restarted.


"shut up" and the human gave the planet a death glare.

the planet started to rethink about the earth day before basically recalling everything to the point he slept as a planet.

"maybe if we can try to switch bodies, we can go back." the planet spoke up.

"mhm. that's nice." the planet of love was annoyed at those words. the bodies of love didn't seem to get along...

Venus gets Isekai'd as a human (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ