Chapter 6 - Masquerade Of The Golden child (New Character Introduction Chapter)

Start from the beginning

"What are we going to do, though? We're not French royals, are we?" Dante mused aloud, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the cracked ceiling. Misuze, his partner, sat across from him, her expression equally perplexed.

"Yeah, of course we're not. What are you even thinking?" Misuze scoffed, her fingers tracing the edge of a faded case file. The room was stifling, the air heavy with unanswered questions.

"Well, that's where you come in," Dante said, leaning forward. His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "Me? Why me?" Misuze raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident.

"Are you stupid, Agent Zakura? You have the power of shapeshifting. Of course, you'll be the suitable one here!" Dante's annoyance flared, lines etching deeper into his weathered face. "WELL, HEY, YOU COULD'VE JUST TOLD ME, IDIOT!" Misuze shot back, her eyes flashing.

Dante continued, undeterred. "We need to use another royal's identity to get you into the party. Don't you shapeshift?" His gaze bore into Misuze's, demanding compliance.

"Hack the party invitation list. I'll gladly take a role at this party," Misuze responded, her fingers already flying across the keyboard. The screen flickered with encrypted data, and Dante nodded in approval.

"Alright, seems like I have one here: Miss Verdina Alvarez, a young miss from the Royal Alvarez family," Dante said, pulling up the file. "I'll check her location and IP, then remove the invitation for the masquerade party. I'll send you her information."

Misuze glanced at her tablet, the image of a red-haired woman smiling back at her. "Guess I'll have to take your face for a while," she murmured, her skin rippling as she shifted into the woman's form. "Miss Alvarez?" Dante's voice interrupted her transformation. "Please get into the car," he teased, gesturing toward the vintage black sedan waiting outside.

"Dante, you don't need to call me that stupid royal name. It does NOT suit me," Misuze retorted, sliding into the passenger seat. The engine roared to life, and they pulled away from the safehouse.

As they approached the Héritier d'Or palace, Misuze's heart raced. Guards patrolled the gates, security measures layered like armor. "Looks like I was right-the palace is full of security for tonight," Dante observed, his grip tight on the steering wheel.

"Quiet down, Dante. It's almost our turn to drive inside," Misuze said, her eyes scanning the guards. She remembered Verdina's haughty demeanor, her closeness to Prince Louis. The limousine rolled to a stop, and the security officer leaned in.

"Name?" the guard asked, scrutinizing the "princess" before him.

"Princess Verdina Alvarez," Dante replied smoothly. The guard raised an eyebrow, suspicion flickering in his eyes. Misuze held her breath, her borrowed identity hanging in the balance. "Ahh well why is this taking so long Driver!! I want to see prince Louis already!!" Misuze said with a high tone. "sh!t.. This identity is ruining my the princess really this bratty"

The guard hesitated, then waved them through. The gates swung open, revealing the glittering lights of the masquerade ball beyond. Misuze adjusted the tiara on her head, her pulse racing.

Dante, had just deposited Misuze at the grand entrance. His words were cryptic, laced with hidden meanings: "Hey, princess, make sure your tiara stays intact. We wouldn't want to lose you." But the tiara he referred to wasn't the glittering crown atop her head; it was the invisible earpiece and tracking device he'd placed there.

Misuze's heart raced as she stepped into the cavernous castle. The marble floors echoed with the soft rustle of her gown. "There's a lot more royals than expected here, Dante," she whispered into the earpiece, her breath catching. The grandeur of the ballroom overwhelmed her-the chandeliers dripping with crystals, the gilded mirrors reflecting masked faces, and the hushed conversations that hinted at secrets.

"Don't worry," Dante's voice crackled in her ear. "I'll track you using the CCTV cameras around the palace. And remember, place the small devices I gave you wherever you'll stay for more than two or three minutes."

Misuze shifted uncomfortably in her elaborate dress. "You know, this dress is really itchy," she complained.

"Quiet down, Misuze," Dante chided. "Keep up the act. Channel your inner Verdina perfect blend of elegance and intrigue."

"Yeah, will do," Misuze replied, her eyes scanning the room. She had to maintain her cover as a visiting noble, but her real mission was far more dangerous. The Héritier d'or family held secrets that could change the course of nations.

As the minutes ticked by, the grand ballroom filled with anticipation. The announcer's voice boomed through hidden speakers: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the masquerade Gala. All friends and close family of the Héritier d'or! One last party shall be shared before Young Prince Louis Héritier d'or ascends to the throne. I present you, Sir Louis Cavendish Héritier d'or!"

The heavy velvet curtains parted, revealing the young prince. Louis stepped forward, his golden hair catching the light. His eyes those sun golden eyes held the weight of destiny. The young princesses gasped and fluttered their fans, their admiration palpable. Misuze watched from below, her heart pounding. She'd seen those eyes before the same glow as the young woman in the faded photograph hidden in Hiro's study.

"This," Misuze murmured to Dante, "he must be related to Hiro's girlfriend. The one who vanished without a trace."

Dante's voice crackled back, "Stay focused, Misuze. The answers lie within these walls."

The grand ballroom hummed with intrigue, its opulence a stark contrast to the tension that crackled in the air. Misuze, disguised as the elusive Verdina Alvarez, navigated the sea of masked faces. Her gown, a cascade of midnight blue silk, whispered secrets as she glided through the crowd.

And then he appeared a man her age, his eyes sharp as a detective's gaze. He bowed, a courtly gesture that belied the danger lurking beneath. "Ah, Miss Verdina Alvarez," he murmured. "How are you, my dear? Did you miss your best friend?"

Misuze's mind raced. She had to maintain her cover, play the part of the aloof noblewoman. "Hmmph~!" she scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Only Prince Louis is the one I'm waiting for here!"

"But, dear," the young prince persisted, "you've grown more violent with me since our last encounter." His eyes bore into hers, seeking answers hidden behind her mask. "Why don't we go somewhere alone? Catch up on old times."

Misuze clenched her fists. The prince's persistence grated on her nerves. "Hey, young prince," she snapped, her faux elegance slipping. "Have I not made myself clear? I do not want to see you!" Her words were a blade, honed by annoyance and frustration.

He leaned in, his grip on her arm forceful. "Verdina," he whispered, "you're so hard to get. I know you've worn that dress just for me." His breath was warm against her skin, and she fought the urge to break free. "Let go of me," Misuze hissed, her patience unraveling. The young prince's smile was a predator's grin. "I said," she repeated, her voice low and deadly, "let go..."

To be continued...

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