"Why don't you take care of submitting my report along with yours?" I suggested, gesturing towards the folder in my hand. "I'm sure you're eager to wrap up your shift today. After all, wasn't it you and your boyfriend's anniversary?"

Her laughter filled the room, a bright sound that momentarily dispelled the tension that hung in the air. "Yeah, it is. Perfect timing for me to get everything ready. Thanks, Dr. (L/N)," she replied, accepting the folder with a grateful nod.

With a nod of my own, I bid her farewell and made my way down the corridor towards Dr. Walton's office. With my head held high and a sense of purpose driving each step, I strode through the corridors of the research facility with a confidence born of passion and dedication. This was more than just a job to me—it was my calling, the very essence of my existence. Being entrusted with the role of a scientist tasked with monitoring an anomaly was a responsibility that I embraced wholeheartedly.

Just three years ago, such a position would have been unthinkable, relegated to the realm of fiction or to the fringes of scientific curiosity. However, with the sudden emergence of rifts and the subsequent influx of monsters into our world, the importance of our work had become undeniable. It was our duty, as scientists, to unravel the mysteries of these anomalies to the best of our abilities, to shine a light into the darkness and uncover the truths hidden within.

As I stood before the elevator, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of my thoughts. Despite my qualifications—two PhDs under my belt and a wealth of knowledge at my disposal—I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that lingered in the back of my mind. Handling a Level 1 anomaly seemed like a far cry from the lofty heights I had envisioned for myself.

The whispers and sideways glances from some of my colleagues only served to amplify this sense of doubt. They couldn't understand why someone with my pedigree, the son/daughter of the great (L/N)'s, would be assigned to such a seemingly mundane task. But I knew better than to let their opinions sway me. After all, it wasn't about the size or significance of the anomaly; it was about the work itself, the dedication to unraveling its mysteries no matter how small.

Stepping into the elevator, I found solace in the quiet confines of the small space. Leaning against the mirrored walls, I met my own gaze in the reflection, a silent reminder of the determination that burned within me. All the years of hard work and sacrifice hadn't been in vain. And perhaps there was a greater purpose to my role here than I had initially realized.

As the elevator descended, I resolved to embrace my position as a mentor to the trainees. Besides, who better to guide the newbies than someone with firsthand experience and a relentless drive for excellence? Especially in this environment that gradually reveals its... unforgiving nature.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft hum, urging me forward as I made my way towards the head's office. With each step, I took my time, allowing myself a moment to steady my nerves. The last time I had been summoned to this office was nearly two years ago, a memory that still sent a shiver down my spine.

As I walked, thoughts of that past incident began to surface, causing a sudden wave of anxiety to wash over me. I reassured myself that I hadn't done anything to warrant any backlash recently, but the unease lingered nonetheless. Perhaps, if all went well, I might even be considered for a higher case file in the future. But for now, such thoughts remained nothing more than wishful thinking.

Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock on the door, announcing my presence in a steady voice. "Dr. Harrison, it's Dr. (L/N). May I come in?"

Hearing the soft invitation to enter, I turned the knob and stepped into the room, my gaze sweeping over the familiar sight of meticulously organized achievements and collective trophies adorning the shelves on either side of the desk. At the center of it all sat Dr. Harrison, a man who had long since passed his prime, his hair streaked with gray that spoke of years of dedication to his work.

Glitch in the Matrix (Error!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now