Chapter 4

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I was waiting for Ash, who was now about ten minutes late

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I was waiting for Ash, who was now about ten minutes late. This had been an ongoing issue since we started working together, but switching partners seemed like a hassle. Besides, dealing with someone too strict about experimenting on Error would be a headache. At least Ash wasn’t as pushy as the others. Still, his constant tardiness was becoming a serious problem.

After another ten minutes, my patience was wearing thin. Frustrated with his unreliable schedule, I decided to go to the main lobby to get his contact information. "Unbelievable, just unbelievable!" I muttered, biting my nail as I walked and turned down the first hallway. I couldn't believe how inconsiderate he was, knowing how important our work was. Every minute counted, and he was wasting precious time.

Suddenly, the power went out, plunging me into complete darkness. "What the hell..." I furrowed my brows, quickly pulling out my phone to use the flashlight. The light from my phone cast eerie shadows on the walls, making the hallway look even more ominous. My heart began to race, and I could feel a bead of sweat trickling down my temple.

I’m not a fan of horror games, and being left alone in a dark, creepy place like this is unsettling. Knowing that Error is just down the hallway behind me makes me even more uneasy. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of my own breathing. I could almost feel the presence of something looming behind me, but that could just be my overly active imagination.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, "It’s just me in this rundown hallway. I've got my wits about me, and there's no way I'm dying from a sudden jump scare." I tried to focus on the light from my phone, using it to guide my eyes forward in the soulless place.

I let out an odd noise, a sort of wiggly laugh, as I heard the door to the observation room opening on its own. I tried not to draw too much attention to myself, wary of whatever entity might be in here. Still, the rational part of my mind was quick to remind me that ghosts aren’t real, urging me to get a grip. Peeking back down the hallway, I saw the open observation room, its lights still on. It suddenly dawned on me that I had read the module for this place, with Harrison specifically mentioning that Error's confinement was powered by its own generator, and only manual intervention could release it.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I made my way to the observation room in haste. The door wouldn’t close, but that was fine. I figured I’d rather be in there with a presence that wasn’t human than out in the dark hallway alone. As I entered, I heard Error scoff, noticing my arrival without anyone else in tow.

"Morning, doc," he said, trying to get a rise out of me first thing in the morning. But my jitters weren’t because of him right now. He must have sensed my unease, because he quickly followed up, "What's the matter? Scared of the dark?"

I turned back around, putting on a brave face, pretending I hadn't just run in here like someone was chasing me. "Of course not. I was merely late for duty."

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