Headcannon #31

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How each solarhumans were/are at school (little special because of my dumb end of years and something slightly different to angst):

Mercury: A quite intelligent student. He got very high marks in all his exams and he works very hard especially since now he's in sixth form (what 16-18 year olds in the UK attend) and working on the subjects he'll take for his university.

Venus: He got average grades, he didn't work much hard for school but concentrated more on sports because that was his dream career (and he is now a sports player!)

Earth: Earth has a natural talent for science! He never cared that he was failing all the literature subjects (though Jupiter was disappointed by that) and went above and beyond in all sciences and geography too! He is right now at university studying them.

Mars: Due to his past home, he takes on the pressure to do well in all the exams and he does, he just overdoes himself causing him to not take care of himself and isolate from everyone just to study and satisfy his academic expectations. He is finishing up sixth form now and he has his exams soon. Music however, was one of his ways to calm himself down and was always number 1 in it.

Jupiter: Before, when Jupiter just started, he didn't really understand anything but slowly, slowly, he climbed the ranks and became very wise and clever. No one can beat or overcome his knowledge then and now.

Saturn: Saturn did do well in tests! He got around 70-80% and Jupiter always taught him things he didn't understand. Though in school, he spent more time in the classroom dedicated to fashion and textiles.

Uranus: Nothing that wasn't creative (maths, science) didn't interest him. It was a waste of our mind, he always said and never bothered to study them.

Neptune: Neptune would either do really good at something or really bad at something. Like Uranus, the creative subjects (which also includes English!), he did very well at but others, not so much..

P.S: I think I am getting a bit obsessed with my Solarhumans! Might make a story about all this, what do you think?

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