Chapter 8

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Sitting in your boss or rather, husband's office, isn't amusing at all. He thinks it's sooo smart to make me do my work in his office, while he attends his meetings.

He's made it this usual thing that I work in his office while he's out. Well, at least I get to sit on his comfy chair.

I finish up my work and glance at the my watch. It's only 1pm? Wow, normally I finish everything by 6 or 7.

And it's one of the worst times for me right now. I'm on my period and the cramps are like death itself, but Aaron doesn't need to know that.

He gave me the password to his computer, so of course I'm going to turn it on. I mean who wouldn't? Curiously I mess around on his laptop.

I open a news link that he saved. Wow...that's a lot of false rumors about Aaron... Way more than I expected.

I can't help but smirk when I see one of them. People seriously think he's married with kids? I wonder if me being his 'wife' is helping.

Aaron opens the office door and walks in. "Hey," I smile at him. He looks exhausted. "Hi, Brielle," he flashes me a quick smile as slumps down into one of the chairs.

I kind of feel guilty since in sitting on his chair, but he's already sitting on another one so what's the harm? "What did you do that made you this tired?" I ask casually.

"I had to run a lot of errands today," he says nonchalantly. "You know I'm your personal assistant for a reason, right?" I sigh. "Yes I know, but you're also my wife, and I can't bother my wife 24/7 even if I'm supposed to," he chuckles.

Did he just laugh? That's a bit out of the ordinary. We're already 4 months into this marriage thing and very rarely I've heard him laugh, let alone smile.

Well, I guess Aaron Jett Hawthorne really can change. "We're heading home," with that, he gets off the chair and leaves the office.

I have to be the one to lock his office and quickly follow behind him. When I get to the parking lot, he already started the car and has the door open for me.

I quickly get in and he drives off. For some reason he allows me to play my favorite music while he drives. And I know, he absolutely hates music. Another point to my list that he's crazy.

At least the music helps me calm down, especially with these annoying cramps.

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