Chapter 3

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"Marry me, Brielle." Those 3 words make my whole mind go blank. Am I imagining. Is this me just zoning out and thinking one of the most impossible scenarios known to man?

"What...?" That's the only word I managed to get out of my throat. "I'm serious. I need you to marry me," he says in the most indifferent tone ever.

" there someone behind me named Brielle?" I ask him with an awkward smile. He folds his arms, "No."

"As you should have noticed, there's rumors spreading around about me. And business has been declining rather than improving. As my personal assistant, you should know of all this before me. How incompetent," he scoffs.

What's with the sudden attitude. It's not like I was the one who barged into his office asking him to marry me with no explanation.

"Can I-" he cuts me off, "I'll arrange the papers."
"You didn't even ask for my decision," I roll my eyes. He shrugs and leaves my office. Alright, this man is officially getting on my nerves.

I finish my paperwork and quietly try to sneak out of the office. My heels aren't doing any good for me, again. I quickly remove one shoe and as I'm removing the other, I see his shadow towering above me.

Fuck. He's standing with a few documents all held together with a paperclip. "Come to my office, now," he walks past me expecting me to follow.

And that's exactly what I do. Unfortunately. He places few documents on his desk and signs one with a black pen. He gives me another black pen.

"Sign," he says harshly. "So wait...we're going to be married after I sign?" I ask to get a reaction out of him. "No we'll be divorced," he says sarcastically.

I sign. Wait, there's no ink in the pen. I'm trying my best to hold back laughter while looking at his confused face. He searches his desk and this time he gives me an actual working pen.

Sometimes he really is a fool. I sign the documents and that's it. We're...married...yay.

"You'll now be addressed as Brielle Hawthorne," he says indifferently and leaves. This is one of the worst marriages I've witnessed. And it's mine, how exciting.

Which husband immediately leaves their wife after getting married? Apparently Aaron does. Well hopefully we can end this fast because I'm not wife material, at least I don't think I am.

For now I'm Brielle Hawthorne, it sounds funny, I'll get used to it, hopefully.

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