Closed Casket

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I'm so sick
I'm so sick of opening my eyes to nothing
To nothing that makes it feel worthwhile
I'm so sick
I'm so sick and tired

I want to be somewhere under sun
But I close the curtains
Withdraw from everyone
I want to feel alive
But surrounded by my mind and
Thoughts of death
I don't think you'll ever get it
Don't think you'll ever get it
You'll never get it
Forget it

I'm so sick
I'm so sick and it's spreading, contaminant  heading
Toward the slits
Across the floors, through the doors, guess what's mine is yours is what you were saying

I want to be somewhere under sun
But I close the curtains
Withdraw from everyone
I want to feel alive
But I'm surrounded by my mind and
Thoughts of death
I don't think you'll ever get it
Don't think you'll ever get it
You'll never get it
Forget it

Songs I Write | VIIIWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt