Chapter. 14

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"Am going to get Briar, I'll buy some time as I freshen up and Josh.." Damian pointed his accusing finger narrowing his sharp eyes at his friend who sulk fixing his gaze at him leaning at the kitchen counter.

" are going to make up with Briar like a decent normal human being." Damian ordered, Jordan was beside him pretend to search something inside the fridge remain quiet afraid to intervene and make things worse.

"Joshua?" Damian threatened.

"What?" He rolled his eye still didn't dare to raise his voice.

"Body fluid is not something new to you Josh and I may add from non infectious person and accidents do happen sometimes although it's still a body fluid  but still I don't care if it was a spit or blood the way you acted didn't make my heart flutter...." Damian said in one breath, sighed loudly.

He scrutinized his eyes at his friend "...and do you have something against Briar apart from the spit it's like you hate him or something.... "

Josh opened his mouth to say something but Damian cut him off motion his hand  to stop.

"-okay just please make up with him cause y'all important to me and I love you"


"Not now Jordan." Damian looked briefly at Jordan behind him who signaled to zip up his mouth and throw the key inside the fridge before closing it.

"I think I made my point."

"Okay, okay I will apologize." He stood up straighten his back surrenders his hands midair.

Damian stepped out the kitchen seeking Briar upstairs.

A quiet Briar was not a familiar Briar to Damian anymore and he refused to see Damian out despite the man called when he went out this morning. The young didn't get out of his room for sixteen hours since the spitting incident happened.

"Briar.?" Called Damian standing outside Briar's room knocking

"In here, come in." A faint Briar's voice heard to the other side of the door.

"Briar.?" Damian called again, this time inside Briar's room after he twisted the knob and make himself stand comfortable.

"Yes?" Brair mumbled uninterested threw a quick look at the man at the door and continued watching something on his brand new phone.

Before Damian could call Briar again to get his attention, the little human jolted up abandoned her phone down and sat on her bed eying Damian from head to toe, toe to head and head to toe printing every detail in her mind.

Damian doesn't remember If Brair ever check him out but right at the minute he felt so proud.

Cheeks flushed, sheets clenched, jaw dropped, eyes protruding from their sockets.

""  Brair breathed out clenched roughly her hands over the sheets.

" I had to take care of some matters at the office this morning, before running the business again." Damian smirked shrugging like it's no big deal, leaning seductively slow at the door, crossing his arms over his chest to add the effect.

"A-alone?"  Croaked Briar

"What do you me-?"

"Did you take care those matters alone?" Briar asked glaring hard at the man.

Damian shrugged "With othe-"

"Were you with women?" Brair uttered hold a glare.

"Briar, it wasn't-"

"Oh it proves that you were also with women taking care of those matters with that suit that did something amazing to your body?" Spatted Briar and Damian bites his lip smiling at the younger.

Don't tell me he is jealous!? He asked himself

A confirmation that he nailed the outfit and look so good in it. His very fitted charcoal suit and black dress shoes.

"Am about to hit a shower, but am craving for a pizza.... I don't know who can make it for me..." Damian changed the subject  played dumb at the jealous side Briar showed.

" I do, I do." Brair shot up raising her hand eagerly bouncing up and down her bed.

Kinda forgetting about the suit which made Damian looks like a Mafia King modeling for a Ferrari.

"Oh you do?" Asked Damian playing along, and Briar nodded with excitement, her eyes shone as she grins ear to ear.


"Me, me, me I can make it." She jumped from the bed to nearly break a leg and Damian charged ready to catch her.

"I will find you at the kitchen, yes?" Asked Damian rubbing her shoulders up and down

"Yes, yes. Hurry up, go and change that handsome suit of yours.!" Brair ordered with a smile.

"Thank you Briar, I didn't know my suit was handsome." Winked Damian playfully at the little human.

"I-um you see- Dam... I mean-"

Damian connected his lips with Briar's forehead, a tiny peck on it managed to shut up the young lips' and Damian bopped Brair's nose with his index finger before fled from the room left the young confused rubbing her forehead and her nose with goofy smile and heated cheeks.


See yah!

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