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I don't know how I got comfortable around Briar. It still surprise me how my mind, heart, my body and my conscious treat him as a harmless person not a threat. Staying with him becomes a usual life like he belongs with me all along.

I stare at the pretty boy like Sarah calls him who sat next to me on the sofa furrowing his brow concentrating over the TV while chewing his lower lip.

I notice that he do that a lot when he concentrates on something. His legs crossed, a pillow over his lap and he bounce excitedly over small exciting scene he sees on TV.

My white gym sweatshirts became his favorite as the week is about to end, each night he picks one of them from the closet and put on. It's not that am bothered but still am confused on how he become comfortable on it, they are big on him. He has been also wearing my new briefs and gym shorts and but not too short to reach his middle thigh just above the knees.


"Mmmh" He hums still his eyes fixed over the scenes of Baby driver driving after a bank heist scene.

"Briar." I called him to get his attention

"Yes, Mr. Damian." He answered distracted unstuck his lower lip from the grip of his teeth still eyes on TV.

"Briar, look at me when am talking to you." I said feeling irritated for being ignored.

I become too soft to my liking.

Within a flash he turn his fully attention on me fear visible on his eyes and he gulped "Yes, Mr. Damian." His voice squeaked.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

I couldn't believe I asked him that. I know I was curious because I know little about him but starting with age question is weird. At least I gave him few days to adjust before interrogate him.

He stared at me in disbelief and I believe that he's cursing over me in his mind like "Man, snapping at me whilst I watch my favorite movie just to ask about my age?" I can order for his information in a snap of a finger and everything about him will be over the palm of my hand, but strangely enough here am trying to initiate conversation because I was being ignored just to get to know him more personally from him.

"Am twenty years old Sir." He replies calmly fidgeting over his hands on the pillow.

I scoffed asking "Twenty?"

"And seven months." He pouted feeling offended.

"It doesn't change a thing; you are such a pixie for twenty years old boy." I stated eyeing his figure.

"So petite, so small, so..."

"I understand Mr. Damian, you don't have to finish all the vocabularies for me to understand how tiny am for a twenty years old boy." He replied biting his lip glaring with glassy eyes.

Look what you've done Damian, now he's about to cry. My subconscious mind mocked me.

"It's a good thing though, you look adorable the way you are. It suits you." I blurted out.

Not only Briar but also I was surprised what shits I spew. Of course in found him adorably innocent but it was supposed to stay in my mind not for him to hear.

He smiled shyly "Thank you Mr. Damian, that's so comforting."

Phew at least he thought I was comforting him, how innocent he is.

"You should love yourself the way you are, and be proud of yourself.' I added still I've no idea what point am trying to make.

Thankfully he nodded and smiles "I'll do that."

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