18. Mary's last mission

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The group's journey into Gdansk unfolded with the promise of a sun-kissed adventure, the salty breeze and golden sands welcoming them to the picturesque coastal city. As their car rolled to a stop near the beach, anticipation crackled in the air, mingling with the rhythmic melody of crashing waves.

"We made it," Natasha exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement as she gazed out at the expanse of azure waters stretching before them. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined!"

The pilot, opting to rest within the confines of the car, waved them off with a knowing smile, content to bask in the tranquility of solitude. With a shared sense of eagerness, Natasha, Boris, Kostek, Edham, and Florian stepped out onto the sun-drenched pavement, ready to explore the delights that awaited them.

Their first stop was the beach, where the soft, powdery sand invited them to kick off their shoes and revel in the sensation of freedom beneath their feet. Seagulls soared overhead, their plaintive cries carried on the ocean breeze as the group meandered along the shoreline, their laughter mingling with the gentle lull of the waves.

"Let's grab a bite to eat," Edham suggested, pointing towards a cozy beachfront café nestled amidst a cluster of weather-worn cottages. "I could go for some fresh seafood!"

The group readily agreed, settling into a shaded corner of the café and perusing the menu with eager anticipation. As plates piled high with delectable dishes arrived at their table, they savored each mouthful, the flavors of the sea tantalizing their taste buds and filling their souls with warmth.

Their bellies full and spirits buoyed, the group embarked on a leisurely stroll along the bustling boardwalk, pausing to peruse the eclectic array of stalls and amusements that lined the promenade. Boris couldn't resist the allure of a carnival game where participants attempted to hook plastic ducks floating in a makeshift pond, and soon found himself engrossed in the challenge, his friends cheering him on with infectious enthusiasm.

But their carefree reverie was soon interrupted by a series of peculiar incidents that sent ripples of unease through their midst. Lights flickered ominously overhead, casting eerie shadows upon the sunlit pavement, while an inexplicable chill permeated the air, raising the hairs on the back of their necks.

Suddenly, Mary materialized from the crowd, her presence casting a shadow over their idyllic afternoon. The group tensed, instinctively bracing themselves for whatever confrontation lay ahead.

"I've been waiting for this moment," Mary declared, her voice dripping with venom as she leveled a menacing glare at the group. "You thought you could escape me, but you were wrong."

With a flourish, Mary produced a sleek firearm from the depths of her coat, her finger poised on the trigger as she prepared to unleash a barrage of bullets upon her unsuspecting targets. The group sprang into action, their powers flaring to life as they launched a coordinated assault against their formidable foe.

Florian wove intricate patterns with her strings, ensnaring Mary's limbs and leaving her vulnerable to attack, while Natasha darted between the shadows, striking with pinpoint accuracy as she sought to disarm their adversary. But Mary was relentless, her every move calculated with chilling precision, her replicas multiplying with alarming speed.

As the battle raged on, the group found themselves pushed to their limits, their powers tested like never before. But just as victory seemed within reach, Mary unleashed a devastating blow, her form pulsating with an otherworldly energy as she transformed into a towering figure of darkness, but this wasn't her amalgam form, it was the power of the Fuhrer.

"You think that the Fuhrer is as weak as the allies? Now you are gonna prove his power", Mary said with a glowing determination coming from her eyes.

The group watched in horror as Mary's eyes blazed with an unholy light, her very essence radiating with malevolent power. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a wave of dark energy, engulfing the group in a maelstrom of chaos and confusion.

But amidst the chaos, Kostek stood firm, his gaze unwavering as he faced down their formidable foe. With a steely resolve, he called upon his inner strength, channeling his powers with a newfound sense of purpose.

"Enough," Kostek's voice cut through the cacophony, his words ringing with authority as he addressed their adversary. "This ends now."

As the group rallied around their leader, their combined strength proved to be their greatest asset, their powers merging in a dazzling display of unity and determination. With a final, decisive blow, they vanquished their foe, the darkness receding to reveal the radiant light of victory.

Mary fell on the ground, she was edging the death, so Kostek ran and grab her.

"Go to the coast and a path will appear in front of you", that were the last words of Mary. Before Kostek could react, Mary began to disintegrate before their eyes, her form splintering into a thousand fractured shards. In a final act of defiance, Florian reached out with her pocket mirror, capturing Mary's soul before it could vanish into the ether.

With Mary defeated and their resolve renewed, the group shared a moment of quiet reflection, their hearts united in the face of adversity. As they prepared to depart, their eyes turned towards the horizon, their next destination clear in their minds.

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