3. The power of water

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The Fountain Square unfolded before Kostek, Florian, and Edham like a vibrant tapestry of lights and laughter. The trio immersed themselves in the eclectic blend of activities-gaming, music, and culinary delights-that the square had to offer. Their laughter echoed against the walls of the surrounding buildings as they moved from one adventure to another.

In the gaming arcade, Florian's competitive spirit shone as she dominated a racing game, her eyes fixated on the digital track. Edham, with his affinity for bubbles, showcased remarkable skills in a bubble-bursting competition, earning cheers from onlookers. Kostek, though not as adept in the virtual realm, found joy in exploring the digital landscapes with his friends.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they migrated to the open space near the fountain, where a live band played a captivating melody. The trio danced and swayed to the music, their laughter blending seamlessly with the rhythm of the night. Florian, always the lover of aesthetics, couldn't resist twirling in front of the fountain, her pocket mirror reflecting the shimmering water.

The hours passed in a whirlwind of joy and camaraderie. The Fountain Square, bathed in neon lights, became a playground for shared laughter and carefree moments. However, the revelry came to an abrupt halt when screams shattered the joyous atmosphere, and a wave of panic rippled through the crowd.

In the midst of the chaos, the trio rushed to the center of the square, where an alarming sight unfolded. A figure, armed with a gun, stood menacingly, instigating panic among the terrified onlookers. The trio instinctively sought cover behind sturdy columns, their eyes trained on the armed individual.

Unlike the adversaries they had faced before, this villain seemed devoid of any supernatural abilities. Florian, seemingly unfazed, stepped out from her hiding spot, a smirk playing on her lips. But her bravado was short-lived. The villain, with a mere gesture, defied the laws of physics as the bullet he fired swerved unnaturally, narrowly missing Florian's face before finding its mark in her leg.

The pain incapacitated Florian, and she crumpled to the ground. The villain, reveling in his sadistic triumph, chastised her for her perceived arrogance in the face of his abilities. Another shot was aimed at her, but Kostek intervened, summoning barriers to protect his fallen friend.

The clash between Kostek and the gun-wielding villain unfolded in a dance of strategy and power. Edham, using his mastery over bubbles, created a defensive screen that shielded them from incoming bullets. Kostek, understanding the limitations of the villain's power, calculated his moves, gradually closing the distance.

As they approached the enemy, Kostek protected Edham with barriers while engaging in a swift exchange of blows. The villain, relying on the conventional firearm, struggled to contend with the unconventional powers wielded by the duo.

In a pivotal moment, Kostek found himself on the ground, vulnerable to the impending threat. The villain, confident in his imminent victory, prepared to deliver a fatal blow. However, to his bewilderment, the gun misfired, the bullet refusing to leave the chamber.

Undeterred, Kostek seized the opportunity, creating a barrier-clad punch that incapacitated the villain. Rain began to fall, casting a surreal ambiance over the chaotic scene. Edham, in an unexpected twist, revealed that he had tampered with the villain's gun using his bubbles.

The threat momentarily neutralized, the tranquility of the night was shattered by the whirring of helicopter blades. A helicopter descended, drawing the trio's attention away from the fallen adversary, so he took Edham's bag. Inside the helicopter was Mary, the mysterious woman who had spied on them before.

With an air of authority, Mary presented herself and acknowledged her allegiance to the Fuhrer. She explained that their interference had consequences but assured them that if they refrained from pursuing the book, no harm would befall them. Kostek, however, clutched Edham's hand, a silent agreement passing between them.

Ignoring Mary's warning, Kostek and Edham sprinted through the Fountain Square, relentless in their pursuit. Mary, watching from the helicopter, signaled the arrival of an ally - the same ally who had eluded them before. The chaos intensified as Mary unleashed a barrage of shots from the helicopter, forcing the duo to navigate the perilous garden.

As Kostek and Edham sought refuge in a narrow tunnel, the helicopter ceased its pursuit. The ominous smoke of the ally dissipated, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Exhausted but determined, the duo emerged from the tunnel, finding themselves in front of a grand fountain.

The duo found the villian that stole Edham's bag, they thought that he was defenseless, but when they least expected it, the villian took out a pendant with a blue heart shaped diamond and he tried to control the rain with it, trying to push the duo moving the drops of water, but he couldn't handle that power.

With a well-aimed shield, Kostek disarmed the villain, causing the pendant and the Souls Book to fall. Quick as lightning, Kostek seized the pendant, but before he could reach for the book, the helicopter returned. Mary, seizing the opportunity, snatched the book from Edham's bag.

In a desperate struggle, Kostek and Mary grappled for control of the precious tome. The helicopter's arrival had diverted their attention, allowing the adversary to escape with a fragment of a page - a mysterious word, "amalgama."

As the helicopter soared into the night, the trio watched in frustration as the ally vanished with an enigmatic smoke. Kostek, however, pocketed his father's wristband, a tangible link to his family's past.

The Fountain Square, once filled with merriment, now bore witness to a somber departure. Florian, being rushed to the hospital, cast a pained glance at her friends. The rain intensified, mirroring the tumultuous events that had transpired.

Amidst the fading echoes of chaos, Kostek noticed the pendant glowing in his hand. It carried droplets of rain, forming symbols that beckoned him. Entranced, he followed the aquatic trail, leading him back to the grand fountain where an ambulance waited.

In the quiet aftermath, Kostek placed the pendant on the water's surface. The liquid responded, parting to reveal a stunning figure - a woman with a flowing dress, adorned with the pendant. She spoke with an ethereal grace, revealing knowledge of Kostek's grandmother, Klemens.

The woman, introducing herself as Irina, shared a vital piece of information. The Fuhrer, she disclosed, was located on the coast of Gdansk. Expressing gratitude, Kostek inquired about her name before she dissipated into water, soaring into the sky and disappearing.

With Florian in the care of paramedics, Kostek and Edham, their minds reeling with newfound revelations, embarked on the journey home. The night, soaked in rain and mystery, left them with questions that lingered in the air like the echoes of an unfinished melody.

Kostek, his thoughts a tumultuous sea, turned to Edham. "What did you do to the gun?" he inquired, curiosity and concern etched on his face.

Edham grinned, the playfulness returning to his eyes. "Just a little bubble magic. I figured it might come in handy."

"Handy?" Kostek chuckled, shaking his head. "More like a lifesaver. But what's this about 'amalgama'?" He held the fragment of the book, his fingers tracing the unfamiliar word.

Edham's expression grew serious. "I don't know, but it seemed important. Maybe it's a clue. We should find out more about it."

As they navigated the rain-soaked streets, the neon lights of the city cast an otherworldly glow. The weight of their newfound knowledge hung in the air, mingling with the raindrops that danced on the pavement.

 The weight of their newfound knowledge hung in the air, mingling with the raindrops that danced on the pavement

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