4. The power of water II

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The hospital room was filled with a hushed atmosphere as Kostek and Edham entered to visit Florian. Edham held a box of cookies, and Kostek carried a book from his mother's library.

Edham: "Hey, Florian! We brought you some treats. Edham made these cookies himself."

Florian smiled weakly: "Thanks, guys. You really didn't have to."

Kostek handed her the book: "And I thought you might need something to pass the time. It's from my mom's library. It's filled with stories and adventures."

Florian's eyes lit up: "You guys are the best. I appreciate it."

After a moment of exchanging presents, Edham couldn't help but ask, his voice tinged with concern, "Florian, how long are you going to be stuck in bed?"

Florian sighed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling: "Mary got me in the hips. I'll be here for almost a month, they said."

Edham and Kostek exchanged glances, a mix of sadness and frustration shadowing their expressions.

Edham: "That's tough, Florian. We'll make sure to visit you as much as possible, though."

Kostek: "And we'll find a way to make things right. You'll see."

Leaving Florian's room, Kostek and Edham sat in the hallway, a heavy silence hanging between them. Kostek furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

Kostek: "There must be something in the book that can help with healing. I just need to remember."

As Kostek flipped through the memories of the pages of the stolen book, Edham noticed a soda machine nearby.

Edham: "Hey, Kostek, let's take a break. I could use a drink."

Kostek nodded, and they approached the machine. As Kostek opened his soda can, he observed a man struggling with his own.

Kostek: "Strange. My soda's fine."

Edham suggested, "Get closer to that guy and try again."

Kostek obliged, moving near the man with the malfunctioning soda. Strangely, his soda spilled without any apparent reason.

Edham explained, "It's the distance. Souls' powers have different ranges. That's why your soda spilled only when you got near."

Kostek, intrigued, wondered if Irina might be around. Glancing through a window, they saw a massive swirl in Zacrovek Lake.

Edham: "We should check it out. Irina might be causing it."

Outside the hospital, the once-bustling Zacrovek Lake now mirrored an eerie calmness. As Kostek and Edham approached, water tentacles emerged from the lake.

Edham: "We need to take care of these. Ready, Kostek?"

Kostek nodded, and the duo engaged in a battle of wits and powers against the water tentacles. Edham strategically used his bubbles to trap and disperse them, while Kostek created barriers to deflect their attacks.

Edham: "We need to end this at the source."

Kostek, determined, conjured a surfboard-like barrier and ventured alone into the heart of the swirling water.

Edham, unable to follow, exclaimed, "Kostek, wait! What are you doing?"

Inside the water vortex, Kostek found Irina, imprisoned by water whips. He approached her cautiously.

Kostek: "What happened, Irina?"

Irina, her voice strained, explained her tragic past and how the Fuhrer had manipulated her soul.

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