Chapter Twenty Five: A Better Person

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A/n- I am reposting this chapter as Wattpad deleted it before, I hate when the app shows glitches especially when I am about to update a chapter and this time it deleted a previous chapter, extremely sorry for the inconvenience it caused to all my readers :(

"You can definitely find someone better than taehyung"

"Of course, it is human nature to strive for the best and who wouldn't select a better option"

"Right, and this is the sole reason why I am telling you to keep taehyung as an option instead of prioritising him as your only choice, because you deserve better Jimin."

"I understand your statement hyung"

Taehyung was anchored at his spot, it took him a few seconds to comprehend the words thrown at him. Those mere words felt sharper than a knife, cutting through the fragile heart of the boy who wished for nothing more than love. Without paying any further heed to the conversation taehyung reverted back towards the exit, abandoning the snowdrops on the empty seat of the waiting area.

"Deserve better" as simple as these words seemed, they had imprinted a deeper scar on the raven head.

Where did he go wrong to always end up with this sentence?

why was he reminded of this statement in the most hurtful form? to an extent that he was accustomed to the lie that he would never be enough for anyone. Year after year this thought receded in his brain that every time a better version of him would be chosen over him. No matter how many efforts he would make, it would never suffice and he would be rejected or left for a fitter option.

"Your mom deserved a better kid, not a cry baby"

"Even your dad won't love an imperfect piece like you"

"if you can't be a better son at least try putting some effort into being a better CEO"

"Keep taehyung as an option...because you deserve better jimin"

"What more could I do?" He yelled shutting the loud echoes of the painful words. His eyes brimmed with fresh tears, depicting his broken heart which was getting crushed once again, this time by the person he shared his pain with and the one he loved. In this whole situation the part which pierced his soul was the acceptance he received from jimin. He had decided to express his feelings, and this is what he gets as an answer? The little flicker of hope he had with jimin's words, his actions and his care was now hurting him. He felt like a warrior who lost his spirit to fight a war, as his only source of happiness was snatched away.

"You really thought he would love you? Gosh you're an idiot. I warned you beforehand that no one loves a broken doll, it can only gain sympathy not love and that's the exact same feeling jimin has for you, 'sympathy'. You were an option more specifically a time pass, which would be discarded once he finds someone better." his brain supplied, deluding him to rely on lies that were improvised on him from years. Attachment gave him suffering because at the end he was left alone. This mess was created by a part of taehyung that was devoid of love and care, a little display of emotions and he was quick to pounce on it, expecting of a forever which turned out to be a one time thing. Guess, that part of taehyung still chose to remain foolish and deranged.

Although his heart was prominently screaming the promises and words that jimin had recited to him, trying its best to lift the boy's spirit, but the great war ended in favor of the brain, as its owner repeatedly dumped his heart's words. Lifting his feet he plopped on his bed only to bury his face in the pillow, in an attempt to get rid of those useless teardrops that won't stop from flowing.

"You should only be with the best jimin and sadly that's not me"


Jimin stared at the black screen of his phone for a long time, not able to wait any longer he instantly called the one he missed. Seconds passed but the other side remained unresponsive, a frown replaced on jimin's face, his mind went back to the previous conversation with his hyung.

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