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Dear E,

This is the second letter I am secretly writing to you. In the stillness of the night, I find myself lost in thoughts of you. Again!With every heartbeat, your name echoes in the chambers of my soul, a melody that soothes the longing within me. Yet, as the moon casts its gentle glow upon the world, I am reminded of the secrets I dare not speak.

While thinking about you, I take the pen again and feel like a Romantic poet dedicating his operas to his lover. But with a difference, you are not my lover, yet. You can't imagine how devastated it is for me not to be able to make a dream come true for the first time.

Oh, how I wish to pour out my heart to you, to lay bare the depths of my affection and devotion. But fear holds me captive, chaining my words and imprisoning my desires. And so, I am left to carry this burden alone, a silent witness to the love that burns within me.

I pass everyday desperately, dreaming about the moment of the two us being together. But then I'm scared. But not from rejection, but from the possibility of not being able to see your beautiful smile and your breathtaking eyes again. Just watching you from far away is enough to keep me alive.

Each passing day brings with it a torrent of emotions, a storm that rages beneath the surface of my calm facade. For you are the sun to my moon, the light that guides me through the darkness, and yet, I dare not reach out and grasp the warmth of your touch.

So, my dear love, my purpose, I write these words in secrecy, hoping that someday they will be able to reach out to you. But don't worry, even if they will never do I will never stop loving you, because you are the only woman I ever loved with such passion in my life. My love for you is beyond eternity...

Forever yours,


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