Chapter 16: THE EAGLE: A lone bird

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Flying high above,

The mighty sky!

With melancholy,

The lone eagle sighs.

For they had warned him

It wasn't all fun and games!

To be at top At The cost

of his loved ones...

Looking back,

And reflecting upon his past,

The eagle keenly remembers

His oath and words.

For back then

he went,

I promise.

I promise to you lord.

Pls give me that position

I want so bad.

I promise.

I promise that,

U can have anything

In return for that.

I promise.

I promise that,

You will never find me

Going back on my words.

But little did,

The king of the sky,

Realise it was

All a mere pleasing lie.

For God never,

Gave it to him.

But the devil did

Give and take.

By the time,

The realisation hit!

Clearly, the highest time,

Is when your angel drifts.

Poor king,Only,

if he had been Careful enough!

He may not have suffered

the rest of his life, all alone....

For being lonely,

Is the price you pay.

For being at the top,

While you live others at bay....



Ayo! I never felt this evil in my entire life dude✨

I had the time of my life writing this poem ❤️

I successfully made the eagle suffer, for no reason at all💀

R.I.P baby you will be missed.

Anyways! Thx a lot to Diorpearl_Khyati
For the topic, "Someone who is lonely"

And how can we forget my brosolitary_817 for the context and all✨

Thx you both ❤️ for the help!

And that's it for today and don't forget to vote and comment ✨

And bue bue❤️

 WHISPERS OF THE SOUL  ||Poetry|| ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon