Chapter 4 - Blood Singer?

Start from the beginning

I almost drained someone. Christina told him, obviously still on edge.

At the hospital? But you have never had control issues before. He said confused, but no longer as frantic as before.

It's the new doctor. He's my blood singer. I was so close to tearing out his throat in front of the nurses station. He was with Dr. Smith, when I saw him. I tried to leave but before I could, Dr. Smith called me over and introduced us. I managed to make up an excuse to leave before I completely lost control. But I can tell my eyes are black. 

Okay, so you're away from him now? 

Yeah. Walking towards the other side of the floor. But his scent is driving me crazy.

You can still smell him?

It's more like the memory of it. I'm holding my breath because I don't know when he will leave.....what do I do? I don't want to hurt anyone!

Okay. Okay. Calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down!

Okay! you think you can control yourself?

I don't know. It took everything I had in me not to jump on him and rip his throat out...and I was only in his presence for a couple of minutes.

Alright. Your shift is almost over, right?

Christina looks at the clock on the wall. Yeah, I have another hour.

Ok. Here's what we're going to do. You're going to get through your shift, then go to your boss and tell them that your grandfather was severely injured, so you're leaving to take care of him. You will no longer be able to work there, effective immediately. While you do that, I'm telling my boss the same thing and packing our stuff.

So we're just going to leave? I thought you wanted to live here for a few years.

It's just another town. We'll find somewhere else. You and I both know if you kill him, even if he is your blood singer, you'll let the guilt eat you alive.


Don't even try to deny it. Your innocence is definitely something you carried over into your vampire life. He says, cutting her off.

Are you sure you're okay with leaving? We just got settled here. I can always try to suck it up and gain control over it.

I know you could gain control over it. But even if you do, you would have to deal with the hunger and pain of not feeding on the guy every time you catch his scent. It'd be torture, and I'm not okay with you going through that. Frankly, this is just another town. We can go and settle anywhere. I care about you way more than staying here for a few years. It's you and me. Always.

You're always so protective over me, not wanting me to go through any pain.

And I always will be. Indefinitely.

Indefinitely. Christina responds with a fond smile on her face, even if he can't see it. 

Now get through the last remainder of your shift and go tell your boss you won't be working there anymore. Compel him if you have to. Then meet me at the apartment, and we will figure out where to go next.

Ok. I love you, Tony....and thanks

Anything for you. I love you too, little sister. See you in about an hour.

With that, the conversation ended. Christina ended her shift and found Dr. Smith and told him exactly the story her brother gave her. She left the hospital and headed back to the apartment they were living in. They traveled light, so everything was packed in a couple of duffelbags. Christina hugged her brother, and he kissed her head.

"Thank you." She said to him.

He smiled and released her, "Come on. Let's get out of here."

"Where to now?" Christina asks, grabbing a duffel bag.

"I don't know. Let's head towards Michigan and see where we end up."

"Have we been gone from that area long enough?"

"It was 40 years ago, and we traveled through Canada, so as long as we stay in the States, we should be fine."

"Okay. Let's go." Christina says with a smile, and the twins leave Salt Lake City and Christina's blood singer behind.

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