Chapter 8: the beginning of the end

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"So- you ok Gen?" I asked genna, clearly sounding concerned. Why isn't she listening to me? She's just looking at the graphs of the solar system... "gen? Why aren't you listening to me?", I lean over her shoulder.
[ STATS: ]
MARS: Stable weather, temperatures are normal. No signs of any crisis. Unknown object in orbit.

EARTH: inhabitable, very unstable. Temperatures reaching high levels of heat and heat radiation. No known object in orbit.


Boring... boring.. wait... what the fu-

KABLOOEY!1!1! ( I'm so sorry🙂 )

It was Jaz. "Captain says we need to evacuate now. The sun is growing at rapid speeds. And it's expected to supernova in 4 days.." Jaz said.
"Oh. Cool. That's why the graphs looked like it was on crack. Got it." Genna said. Quickly getting up, she was a co-pilot of the ship.

She left the room leaving me and Jaz alone. "Erm... so you still angry at me?" I said that accidentally. "No. Duh." Jaz said. "Not at a time like this anyways." He quickly followed after.

And then a bottle of cola was thrown at my head. Ouch- it was Lucy who threw it. "Drink up. You are not going to sleep for a couple of hours." Lucy said. Doesn't mean he gets to throw a can of soda at my face.

"I sleep all day everyday. Don't think it'll be a problem for me to sleep now even with soda pumping through my digestive system." I was being a big nerd now. "Ok Mr. Know-it-all." Lucy said. Sitting down besides me on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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