Chapter 2 : Very funny.

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I grabbed my suit and held it like a basketball, or what I like to call it, "Cricket hopping".

But that's besides the point. I'm waiting for Genna to stop yapping, she's like a needy chihuahua who always wants attention. Sadly, I'm listening to her gossip which is pretty unlucky for me since I get annoyed easily.

That's when my crush walks over. He's like 14 with rich parents but they chose to stay over here because taxes were cheap and housing was too. He walked over here and I was blushing like crazy. "Hey Lure and Gen, did you guys get in?" ??? questioned us in a stern but soft tone. I was too busy checking the guy out until Genna slapped the sense into me. "Lure stop looking at Jaz and focus!" Genna scolded me like she was my mom. Which she isn't.

I was going to answer the question until a stern voice spoke up. "EVERYONE. In position now." Yup, it was definitely the captain. And from his tone, he wasn't happy to hear that almost
2/4 of the kids or grown adults failed. But we were lucky to make it. "This is extremely disappointing that I only have 25 of you flesh bags. Luckily, my son will be guiding you little retards. Don't fuck up or you will be executed after the expedition is done. Got it?" The captain said it with such a straightforward tone it sent chills down my spine, as well as the rest of the kids/ grown adults.

SATTELLESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz