Chapter 3 : A good 3 weeks.

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It's been almost 3 hours and I'm still waiting for further commands.

Jaz was talking to his girlfriend who'd been cheating on him the entire time. I was talking to Genna about the economy and stuff.

That's when the captain orders us to put on our suits, I went to the boys changing room and accidentally fell. It hurt a lot since the floor was made out of pure andesite and garesite ( a newly discovered mineral found when humans came to Alpha Centauri B. ), I got up and got into my suit and went outside.

Where Jaz and his girlfriend were supposedly arguing. I always thought she was a huge red flag. I stood next to Genna. "Alright future space cadets, we are making this mission as easy as possible. You get a total of 3 weeks to explore mars. We are borrowing a ship from our neighboring planet, Alpha Centauri A. So it must come back in almost perfect condition.

We wish you good luck. My son will give further instructions.", the captain walked off stage and a bulky dude, around 15 the latest, black hair with a slick white mark in it, arrogantly walked on stage and began ranting about how he was "the best gamer man has ever seen". Interesting. "Ew. Who put Jake up there" Genna gagged while looking at him. "Gen, his name is Lucy. not Jake." I corrected her there. She gave me a "speak again and i'll bash your face in" look. It wasn't fun to look at.

We were ordered into pairs of three. Luckily, I was paired with Jaz. Unfortunately, I was also paired with his girlfriend. Now I'm not a relationship ruiner but one peck on the cheek from Jaz and it'd make my whole lifespan. Anyways, We're boarding onto this big spaceship and it has multiple rooms, each decorated with items of our liking.

Our room was futuristic. I had a cool lava lamp near my bedside. I secretly snuck it into my bag because why not? Anyways we were getting settled because we had to still do schoolwork and stuff. Which was boring.

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