Chapter 6: Lure on ice

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"WOAH- WOAAAAHHH-" I was sliding around like a absolute baffoon. Thank the heavens above I was in the back. Mars is really not holding back on me isn't it.

And that's when I see a student spinning at massive inhuman speeds in the sky because of the wind being sent literally across the fucking planet. Jeez. I'm more durable then I thought.

"Watch it. Your not Lure on ice are you?" Jaz yelled at me as we continued to walk farther from the ship and onto the encore of mars yet to stop bat shit crazy weather.

That's when someone elbows me. It's Genna. I was so relieved I nearly gave her a hug. "Woah now. Don't get your boxers in a twist. Im gonna work with you on the finding samples task." Genna hastily pulled out my hug which allowed me to fall flat on my face.

"Forbidden cinnamon powder." Whoops. A Gen Z joke slipped on out. Erm...

"Haha very funny Lure Oviant. Stand up." That hoarse and deep voice was definitely the captains son. "Sorry. But you are not the captain, only a feeble overgrown fetus that he decided to make." Genna defended me, even though I don't speak and just throw hands.

"Excuse me? I know more then your stupid little brain can fathom!" Lucy yelled at Genna, and then she hit him with one of these: "what's the square root of 4" That question was easy. I think. I instantly thought "2"! And then Lucy's face went from arrogant to "oh shit I'm crammed into a corner I can't get out of" type of expression.

"You guys, I wonder why we had to abandon the whole solar system and not just earth. Everything here checks out to be suitable for life." I said it while scanning minerals and dirt.

"Uh, Lure. I think you should know something." Lucy said while actually not being a jerk for once. "We didn't leave the whole solar system for a lame excuse. It's because the sun had reached its final stage of life. And sooner or later, we are all chopped ham." Lucy followed after his sentence.

Oh. Welp. Time to have nightmares about a blackhole. But... as long as I have my friends, they'll survive with me.... Right?

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