Chapter 1: results

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I'd promised my momma that I wouldn't drag myself into space shenanigans again, you'd probably be like "dammit Elon! It's only 2087 and you're already planning to go to mars?!", but no, you see we ruined earth to a point where we had to move to a more habitable planet. Or, Alpha Centauri B, we use Alpha Centauri A for the rich people. Those damned bastards wouldn't dare to spend a single penny on us "brokes", anyways, i'm waiting in line for my results to see if I was compatible to join the Mars expedition.

I'm waiting here bored out of my mind. Until I see my best friend running up to me with 2 result papers. "Hey Lure! I got my results and yours! We both got in! Isn't that cool?" Genna yelled out happily. She gave me my results and I just barely passed the endurance test. Which isn't bad, but not good either. It's basically putting a durable twig in Mar's harsh environment.

"Yea, great job telling the whole planet that we got our results Genna." I blurted that statement out, it was clearly sarcasm, but I did kinda mean it. "You don't have to be an asshole about it. You're lucky you even got past that endurance test, otherwise you wouldn't have even made it on the list!" Genna got angry pretty quick. Like a mom who you'd promise you passed a test, but didn't. Sadly, she's still my best friend and I care about her. Anyways, she gave me a specially designed suit and a badge that read "Lure Ovia", even the smartest of people has to shorten my last name because they always get the 6th letter wrong somehow.

SATTELLES ( DISCONTINUED SORRY )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ