30 | Accomplishments & Her

Start from the beginning

15 Second Wonder 💗 Is Calling

Here we go.

I answered it. "Hey."

"Where the hell are you?" She snapped.

"We just went to the baby store and-"

"Tell me these things, Flo." She huffed, then was silent a second. "Are you going home?"

"Yeah." It was sort of a lie.

"Are you?" She asked again. "Don't lie to me."

"Yes." I cringed.

"So am I. I'll see you soon then." She said and hung up.

Damn... I had one more stop.


When I got into the drive, I slammed my door shut when Flo's car wasn't here.

Of fucking course she wasn't.

On the way inside, I pulled my phone out and went to call her. Taking the dogs outside while I attempted. She didn't answer...

Oh, but she was so lucky she drove into the drive way. I stormed back inside.

When I ripped the front door open, she looked at me from the car where she was pulling a sleeping Ryan out. "Hey." She smiled and whispered.

"Get inside."

"Hang on, hang on, I have a surprise for you." She whispered and walked over. "Can you tuck him in to bed, he's really tired."

"And what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Shhhh." She shooshed me. "Getting your surprises."

Plural? Surprises?

"Please." She asked again.

"Be quick." I gave in and went to tuck Ryan into bed, taking longer than usual with the one good arm. I had to admit he looked adorable in his giraffe onesie.

When I come back out, she was inside thank god, and there was a large box on the living room table.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Well." Flo started. "Firstly..." She pulled out a jar of Vegemite from behind her. "I got you this."

I couldn't help but scoff. "For you?"

"I don't like Vegemite..." she reminded me. "It's all yours. Go crazy." She put it in my hands.

"Thanks, Flo. You didn't have to-" I stopped when I heard some shuffling noises inside the box. "What is that." I reached for it.

Flo pushed my hands away. "Wait, wait. I hope this can help you over your healing period." She stated, then looked to the box with a huge grin on her face. She was too beautiful for me to stay annoyed at. "Open it." She bounced in her seat.

I cautiously stood up and opened the lid of the box and my face softened out when there was a very small, very adorable brown puppy inside. "Flo..." I whispered and looked at her.

"This is Bella." Flo told me.


I held back my pathetic little smile as I carefully pulled her out of her blanketed box and into my arm. She immediately made this purring sound and relaxed into my body when I sat down. She was tired. She was also so fucking cute, like my wife was.

"Do you like her?" Flo asked, softly reaching out to pet Bella on the head. Bella woke up and licked Flos fingers. Than my arm.

"Flo, you didn't have to go and-"

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now