Chapter 16.

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The group walked in silence, not wanting to speak about what had happened to Winston. None of them dared say anything incase it was the wrong thing to say and it would make the situation even worse.

Wren walked beside Newt, and she could have sworn she saw a tear fall. She intertwined her hand with his, squeezing a bit.

That's when they heard the gunshot, and everyone froze. Wren wanted to fall and cry, but she couldn't. She wouldn't. For the group, but also because she was too dehydrated to form any more tears.

It got dark so they found a shelter and started a fire, no one talking much then either. Aris threw some scraps into the fire to keep it going before sitting down beside Wren, who was sitting beside Newt.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho turned over the gun in his hands

"Only some of us are. Not all." Wren mumbled

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt mumbled

"I never thought I'd say it," Frypan mumbled, a tear rolling down his cheek, "I miss the Glade."

Wren looked around at everyone's expressions, seeing that Teresa had another concerning look on her face. But she tried to shrug it off and turn her focus to the fire. She rested her head on Newt's shoulder and closed her eyes.

The next day, they were back to walking through the sand again. Everyone was tired, and Minho found that they were out of water as well.

In the evening, they slept out in the open, not bothering to find shelter. Wren, however, couldn't sleep. So she sat up and looked at the mountains they were all headed to. Thomas stirred awake and looked over, seeing something in the distance that Wren soon saw as well.

"Do you see it too?" Thomas asked in a hushed tone

"The warehouse in the distance with lights on? Yeah, I see it." Wren picked up her bag and stood up

"Hey. Hey." Thomas began to wake everyone, "Get up."

Wren shook a few people awake, keeping her eyes on the light to make sure it didn't- maybe- run off or something.

"What is it?" Minho mumbled

"You see that?" Thomas pointed to the light, "It's lights."

"We made it." Minho spoke softly

"I'm not sure." Wren mumbled quietly so no one heard

As if the day couldn't get any worse, thunder rumbled from the clouds as lightning struck.

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on." Thomas ushered everyone in the direction of the lights.

Everyone ran towards the lights, trying not to get hit with the lightning. Wren and Newt helped each other run- with Newt's ankle and Wren's thigh, it was easier to help the other.

"Run!" Teresa yelled

"Keep moving! Come on!" Thomas yelled

"Hurry!" Wren yelled

"We're getting closer!" Minho yelled

Everyone made it inside- well, almost everyone. Wren turned around for a second and saw Minho get struck with lightning, or it came very close to being that. Minho fell to the floor and Wren was pulled inside while Thomas grabbed Minho, bringing him inside as well.

"Minho." Wren knelt down beside Minho and tapped his cheek, "Minho! Come on, Min."

That's when Minho slowly squinted his eyes open a bit. "What happened?" He groaned

"The lightning got you." Wren breathed out heavily

"Oh.." Minho mumbled, a small smile twitching at his lips as he thought of how badass it might have looked. Everyone seemed to laugh it off a bit as they helped Minho off the ground.

Wren stepped back and heard something growling behind her. She spun around and saw a crank that looked ready to attack her, but it was chained up by the waist. Many other cranks seemed to be the same, chained up and just out of reach.

"Oh, shit! Oh, my god!" Thomas stumbled back as everyone else also freaked out.

"Nice guards." Wren mumbled, impressed with whoever had the courage to do this to some cranks.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." A woman spoke from the opposite side of the room, flicking on a light. She walked over to the group, weaving past the chained cranks like it was a maze on the back of her hand.

"Stay back!" Minho told her

"You guys look like shit." She smirked, then turned back to weave down the cranky path, "Come on. Follow me."

Wren went to follow the woman, but Newt grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing?" Newt hissed

"It's better than out there." Wren indicated to a window, showing the storm outside, before following the woman, her limp clear and showing.

The woman led the group through a warehouse with tents and supplies scattered around the place. "Come on, keep up." She told them, "Jorge wants to meet you."

"May I ask who you are?" Wren asked, walking a little bit behind the woman

"Brenda." She replied with a small smile, looking Wren up and down.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas asked

"You'll see." Brenda replied

As they all walked through the 'campsite', men began to follow behind the group.

"No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time." Brenda explained, "You've just got him curious. And me too."

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt asked quietly

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas mumbled

"I feel like if we do that, something bad might happen. Like, we'll end up being hung upside down over a high drop, or something." Wren muttered, looking over at Thomas

Brenda led them up some stairs into a room. There was a sofa with a table in front of it, a desk that a man stood by, and a bookshelf beside the table. The man, to Wren's guesses, was Jorge.

"Jorge. They're here." Brenda said to Jorge, who shushed her. So Brenda sat down on the sofa.

Jorge was listening to some sort of record player that seemed to be playing backwards.

"You're doing it wrong." Wren spoke up

He looked over at her with a glare, "Excuse me?"

"Play it backwards."

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