Chapter 9.

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Wren woke up the next morning and rubbed her eyes. Her body hurt, but that's when she began to remember everything. She remembered how she used to work for WCKED, her mother, watching what happened in the Mazes through cameras... and an accident. But her memory of her two years in the Maze began to fade. Wren got up from the bed as Janson walked into the room.

"Ah, Wren. How are you feeling?" Janson walked over to her

"I remember." She rubbed her eyes

"How much?" He sat down beside her

"I worked for WCKED, my mother- Uhh, you, seeing what was going on in the Maze Trials..." she sighed

"So you remember all the tests you did?" Janson asked

"Yeah," she nodded

"Okay, well, are you fit to continue?" He asked

"Yeah. Do you have someone else going into another Maze?" She asked

"This kid arrived after getting through the Maze Trials. He needs some tests done for vitamins, health checks, that sort of thing." Janson stood up

"What's his name?" Wren stood up

"Aris." Janson replied, "Subject B1 in room two hundred. He arrived almost a week ago."

Wren nodded and walked to the door, still having her slight limp.

"Hey, how long for my ribs?" Wren showed some of the bandages around her stomach.

"It should be okay in a few days." Janson reassured her

Wren smiled slightly at him then walked out. She walked down the hallway and reached room two hundred. In the room, was a young boy with dark hair sitting on a chair. The room was similar to the one Wren remembered having her tests done in.

"B1?" Wren walked in and closed the door behind her

"It's Aris." He mumbled

"Okay, Aris." Wren smiled and sat on the stool beside the chair, "I'm here to start with the tests."

"Okay." Aris looked at her

Wren smiled at him and grabbed a needle off the table. She turned back to him with it and injected it into his arm.

"I haven't seen you around before." Aris looked away from the needle and at her

"I've been gone for a while." She shrugged

"Why?" Aris asked

Wren paused, "It's not important." But the truth was, she wasn't sure, she'd forgotten. "How do you feel?" Wren asked as she stood up.

"Better." He smiled at her

"Good." She smiled back

The next day, Wren walked into a larger med room that basically had more chairs and equipment than the others. A group of boys and a girl were getting tended to in different ways. Wren walked over to one of the doctors tending to one of the boys, a clipboard in one hand and a limp in her walk.

"Janson wants to see you." Wren told the doctor, not looking at the boy

"Do you know why?" The doctor asked

"Not really." She shrugged, "He just said he wanted to have a word with you."

"Can you deal with this until I get back then." The doctor asked, holding up a needle he was holding

"Yeah." Wren put the clipboard down and took the needle

The doctor walked away and Wren looked around at the other boys. There was one on a treadmill that slowed down when seeing her. Wren recognised him to be the kid A4 from one of the Maze Trials. She turned around and looked at the boy in the chair, and she recognised him to be A5.

"Wren?" He looked up at her from the chair

"A5." She addressed him as she sat down on the stool beside the chair.

"Wren, it's me." He sat up

"I know who you are, A5." Wren moved his arm so she could inject him, "You gave me quite the scare a while back when you..." she shook her head and injected the boy with the needle.

"Why are you calling me 'A5'?" He asked

Wren stood up and looked at the clipboard the previous doctor had left. She then turned back to him, "Newt."

"Wren, what's going on with you? We thought you died." He stood up

"Died? I may have a sprained ankle and bruised rib, but I'm not dead." She chuckled slightly

"Wren, you're not listening." Newt grabbed her shoulder

"I'm listening just fine." She pulled away, "I'm just doing my job." Wren turned around and looked at the supplies on the table, "You and your friends will be led to your rooms later."

Newt sighed and walked over to another boy: subject A4. Wren looked around then walked out the room.

Minho watched Wren leave the room and turned to Newt.

"So, she's alive?" Minho asked

"Yeah. But she doesn't remember anything about the Maze. And... She called me 'A5'." Newt sighed

"At least she's not still with WCKED or anything." Minho shrugged, "But we can help her remember."

Newt nodded.

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