Chapter 3.

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Wren woke up early the next morning. It was a habit she was going to have to break. She walked over to the wall where everyone's names were carved into it and saw that Ben's name had been crossed out. Her hand glided over the names and stopped at her name, which was next to Newt's. That's when Newt walked over.

"I'm sorry, Wren." He sighed

"Why did you do it?" She mumbled

"Do what? Protect you?" Newt stepped closer to her

Before Newt could say anything else, Alby and Minho walked over as the Maze doors started to open.

"What's going on?" Wren asked

"We're going to go to where Ben was yesterday to find out how and why he got stung." Minho explained

"You two will be in charge until we get back." Alby added, looking over at Newt for a moment

The Maze doors fully opened and the two ran through, leaving Newt and Wren there.

"Listen, Wren, I know you want to get out there." Newt sighed

"Yeah, I do." Wren looked away from Newt, "Because at least I want to get out of here."

"I do to. We all do!" Newt looked over at her

"I was so close to being able to get us out! If I could have just been out there!"

"And I've already said no!" Newt then sighed and lifted her chin so she'd look at him, "I'm sorry, Wren, but the decision is final."

Zart and Newt were chopping down the last bit of a tree while Thomas was sitting on a long and Chuck was leaning against it. Wren came up behind them, jumped over the log from behind, and sat down next to Thomas.

"All right, but why would Alby go into the Maze? I mean, he's not a- he's not a runner." Thomas asked

"They're going to retrace Ben's footsteps to find out where he got stung." Wren told him

Newt looked at her, then over to Thomas, "Look, are you gonna help?"

"So he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?" Thomas continued with the questions

"Alby knows what he's doing. All right?" Newt said, glancing at Wren every now and then, "He knows better than any of us."

Thomas dug his machete into the ground.

"All right," Newt began to walk over to Thomas a bit, pointing his machete at him, "it's like you've heard, yeah? Every month, the Box sends up a new arrival. But someone had to be first, right? Someone had to have spent a whole month in the Glade alone. And that was Alby."

Wren sighed and picked up a spare machete and began to hit the trunk of the tree. "If I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well help." She mumbled

Newt went back to cutting the tree while talking to Thomas, "But when those other boys started coming up, one after the other, he saw the truth. And he learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other." Newt looked at Thomas, then at Wren, "We're all in this together.

Thomas looked over at Chuck before picking up the machete and hitting the trunk of the tree.

A storm began to role in and everyone took shelter. Thomas looked over at the Maze entrance, Alby and Minho hadn't returned.

"They should be back by now. What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asked

"They're gonna make it." Newt said, leaning back against a wooden pole

"What happens if they don't?" Thomas walked over to him

"They're gonna make it." Newt just repeated himself

Wren walked over as Thomas walked away. She sat down and leaned her back against the same wooden pole Newt was against.

"You can't stay mad at me forever." Newt told her

"I'm not mad." She shook her head and glanced up at him. Then she said, "Okay, maybe a little."

"How much longer are you gonna be mad at me?" Newt asked, looking over at her

She paused, "I don't know yet."

Once the storm cleared up, everyone waited by the Maze entrance for Alby and Minho to get back.

"Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asked

"It's against the rules." Gally said, who was crouched down beside Thomas. "Either they make it back or they don't."

"Can't risk loosing anyone else." Newt told Thomas

The wind howled through the Maze and the doors began to close.

"Oh, no." Chuck mumbled

"No." Wren shook her head, "They have to make it."

"There." Thomas pointed to the end of the Maze corridor. Minho had one of Alby's arms over his shoulder and was helping him out of the Maze.

"Wait, no, something's wrong." Newt realised

"Come on, Minho, you can do it!" Chuck yelled, and other boys tried to do the same encouragement.

Minho put Alby down and attempted to drag him.

"Minho, you gotta leave him!" Gally yelled

"They're not gonna make it." Newt realised

Wren looked at Minho and Alby, then at Newt, with a look that said 'I'm sorry'.

Newt caught on, "Wait, Wren! Don't!"

But it was too late, Wren ran into the Maze, slipping past the quickly closing doors. She ran over to Minho and tried to help him moved Alby.

"He's been stung." Wren realised, but still helped

Wren glanced back at the doors, they weren't going to make it. Then she saw Thomas run in just as the doors closed.

"Good job, you two." Minho mumbled from his place on the floor, "You just killed yourselves."

"Wait, what?" Thomas walked over to Alby, who had blood on his shirt and a cut on his head. "What happened to him?"

"What does it look like?" Minho asked, "He got stung."

"What happened to his head?" Thomas asked

"I did what I had to do." Minho replied

They heard a Griever in the distance and the Maze start to change so Thomas got Wren and Minho to help get Alby off the floor.

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