Ch. 5: The Cannon and Separation

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Lucina finally stumbled out of the Dangai and into the sun, after the others. A moment later, Orihime followed, the last of them arriving.

"Orihime, that was reckless," Yoruichi scolded. "Be grateful your fairies didn't touch the cleaner, only the shield."

"Sorry... we all got out fine, didn't we?" Orihime replied. While the two spoke, the remaining wandered around the deserted, seemingly poor place.

"This is the Rukongai, the poorer part of the Soul Society," Yoruichi introduced, having finished hre conversation with Orihime. Lucina walked a few meters, wondering if the soul society was really such a good place if souls had to live in such conditions.

Meanwhile, Ichigo pointed towards the richer-looking Seireitei, where Rukia most likely was. "Over there. That's probably where the shinigami live. We need to go there, right?"

Yoruichi nodded, but before she could continue with the warnings Ichigo ran off. Tayne and Chad followed, with Orihime trailing behind. Lucina ran to catch up, while Uryu was still changing out of his cape, which was torn just so slightly.

"Ichigo, wai-" Yoruichi began shouting, only for a huge wall to stop the substitute soul reaper for her. The orange-haired boy skidded to a stop just before crashing into the stone. Before the rest could catch up, he was confronted by a giant figure.

"Well, been quite a while since we've last been invaded," the giant said, raising his equally giant axe. Yoruichi jumped back a few meters. "Be careful! That's Jidanbo, a giant chosen to guard this gate into the Seireitei."

Uryu, having finally switched to a clean white cape, raised his bow. "We just have to take him down, no?"

Tayne backed away a bit, suddenly feeling exposed by her lack of special ability. "What, I bet that guy can take down 10 hollows in one smash!"

"Well, actually it's 30," Yoruichi added helpfully. "Nobody has defeated him in over 300 years."

Ichigo smirked, drawing his zanpakuto. "I spent ten days training with Urahara, I've got this!"

Jidanbo raised his giant axe, smashing into the ground just behind Ichigo. The rocky ground cracked, flipping into a barrier just as Chad and Orihime neared. "We do fights one on one. Please wait until after I smash orange here."

"Don't worry, guys, I got thi-" Ichigo began, only for Orihime to yell. "Don't worry, we'll help you!"

The giant, Jidanbo, sighed, before asking Ichigo if they can begin the fight. Orihime and Chad could only watch as they fought. Ichigo was surprisingly on par with the giant man.

Jidanbo then let out a laugh, which pushed everyone back a bit due to his size. "You're strong, seems I don't need to hold back anymore."

Ichigo continued to fight without issue. The giant, now uncertain about his victory, brought out a second axe only for the orange-haired soul reaper to shatter both with a single-handed slash.

Jidanbo went flying back, crashing into the gate to the Seireitei, which was just as tall as the stone walls. He got up as the dust cleared, ready to fight, only to find out his axes were broken.

"No! M-my axes!" The giant man dropped to his knees, then began bawling. Yoruichi flinched at the loud noise, her ears folding back. Ichigo hesitantly took a step forward, shocked at the giant crying. "H-hey now, I'm sorry, okay? Don't start crying..."

Jidanbo instantly looked up, tears still streaming. "Orange... you're so k-kind! I-I'll open the gate to the Seireitei for you! And the others too!"

Lucina wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, and it seemed like the others didn't either. Regardless, Jidanbo got up and began lifting the huge wooden gate.

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