part 11

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Tae: look I found Jin.

Tae leave Yoongi's hand and go towards Jin.

Yoongi: Tae wait.....

Tae knew that Jungkook will come to her that's why she left her.

Jungkook: you came.
I thought you will not come.

Yoongi:Jmin and your nona call me and request me so..That's why I...
And thank you for the dress. Tae said this dress is so beautiful.

Jungkook: not more than you. You're looking so beautiful.

Yoongi blushed

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Yoongi blushed.

Let's go to our copule.


Jin: you look so beautiful yoongi.

Yoongi:Thank you Jin.

Tae: she is always beautiful like me.

Jungkook: who said that your beautiful?


Jin:Tae come let's dance.

Jin drag Tae with him to avoid their fight.

Yoongi: why you guys alawys into fight?

Actually Tae and I  we're childhood friend. My father and his my father are also friend. And we're like close friend. But Tae doesn't like my behaviour that's why she avoid me. I like to tease her.

Yoongi:what about your behaviour?
I never see any bad behaviour in you.

Jungkook heart feel happy to take a good comment from Yoongi.

Jungkook: drink this.

Yoongi:What is this?
Yoongi take a smell.
How do you know I like it?

Jungkook: as a friend I should know na.
Yoongi give him a soft smile.

Come na let's dance.

Jungkook pull her hand

Jungkook pull her hand

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