He looked away and Just kept riding, staying quiet. He knew it was bad and he didn't want to make it any worse

"Nothing to say now not surprised " she turned away from him she was tired of fighting with him
As they rode to wherever it was they were going, they really didn't have a plan to where they were heading. They just needed somewhere else to settle down for awhile and someplace a bit far so Jon wouldn't find them.
Meanwhile, Jon was now back at castle black as they were sending some men on a mission beyond the wall and they allowed Jon to go.

She stayed silent the rest of the time she kept thinking about jon she missed him terribly she wished she wasn't taken from him she wanted to stay with him. She truly loved him and wished she was still with him in his chamber laying in each other arms

All Jon wanted to do while walking beyond the wall was run back, grab a horse and go searching for remi. But if he did they would surely kill him next time. He just wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay

She stayed awake most nights thinking about him she refused to sleep anywhere near Robb the thought of him sleeping next to her made her upset he didn't had any right to

As the days got shorter and the nights got longer, Jon would lay awake at night thinking of remi, his mind racing with all the different scenarios that would have happened and how she was doing, He hoped she was alright.
During the days they had been tracking a group of wildlings and they had almost made it back to their camp

She avoided Robb as much as possible she couldn't be near him she knew in her heart that they couldn't fix what they had but he didn't understand and didn't stop trying. Jon and Qhorin had gotten captured by the wildlings and after some time, Jon had to show he was one of the wildlings and ending up killing Qhorin

The was a red head girl along side with the wildlings and didn't trust him at all she thought he was faking it to try and get into there camp to kill them all at first

Jon looked at the red headed girl, he knew she didn't trust him but after killing one of his own men she had to admit most people wouldn't do that if they weren't truly trying to gain your trust

Soon it took a few days for all of them to finally get back to the camp but they made it and the red hair brought him in front of their king

Jon looked at all the different people around the camp, they had an insane amount of numbers, he had never seen a giant and yet they had giants amongst them. Once they got to the king he knelt to a knee "your grace." He said not knowing that wasn't in their customs to kneel before a monarch

She gave him a wired look as to why he acted like that but soon they somewhat laughed at him they soon explained that they don't do that sorta things here no bending the knee or using formalities

Jon got up and laughed it off a bit as they spoke and listened, he began to tell them whatever they needed to hear to make them believe he was one of them

She was surprised that he wanted to be one of them so badly but still she didn't full trust him she's definitely keeping a close eye on him

Jon looked at her "something wrong?" he walked out of the king tent.

She stopped and looked at him "what are you after for? Why do you want to be one of us so badly "

"I'm tired of being chained to that wall.." he looked at her as he stopped walking

"Tired of being chained.?" She didn't really understand what he meant by that "were you really chained to the wall?"

He shook his head and laughed a bit "it's an expression. We weren't allowed to leave the grounds of castle black." He found it kinda cute she didn't understand what he meant

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