7.) Riku

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On her way to school the next morning, (Y/n) walked along the cold, empty streets. Humming to herself, she stopped by a streetlight, waiting for her childhood best friend. Growing bored quite quickly, the girl pulled her phone from her pocket, seeing an unread message from yesterday.

Unsaved Number: You avoiding me?

The tired girl's face contorted in confusion before she sighed in sudden realization. Asahi. The boy who had used her phone to call himself and thereby get her number. Saving his contact, she began to compose a new message, poised to hit send, when a sudden force enveloped her, wrapping arms around her.

"Gotcha!" Aiko exclaimed with a laugh, releasing (Y/n). Her heart racing, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, yeah, you got me. Let's just head to school," the (h/c) haired girl replied, her laughter trailing off as she pocketed her phone. Glancing at her friend, (Y/n) knew she couldn't keep anything from Aiko.

"So... you know Emi?" she asked, watching the ravenette nod.

"It's impossible not to. Hayami mentions her at least ten times a day," Aiko grumbled, absentmindedly kicking a rock as they walked.

(Y/n) chuckled, tilting her head as the two girls walked. "Well, would you believe me if I said she took me to the school rooftop yesterday?"

Silence dragged on between the two, Aiko sending her friend a skeptical look through the corner of her eyes. 

"Like... romantically?"

Amused, (Y/n) shook her head. "No, not like that. I think she's crushing on some dude named Kai anyway," she commented, letting out a huff. "Though, it's weird. Reina said I should be careful around her, but I don't even know Emi's motive."

Aiko nodded, chewing on her lower lip in contemplation. "I have to side with Reina on this. Emi is like a siren—appealing at first, but underneath, she's deceitful, like a lying pig. She's always on the lookout for new victims," she scowled.

Raising an eyebrow at her friend's vehement description of the blonde, (Y/n) couldn't help but disagree. Emi might be enigmatic, but she wasn't outright malicious. At least, not in the same way Minato could be.

"I mean, I wouldn't go that far... she's untrustworthy, yeah. But you're talking as if you have a personal grudge against her," (Y/n) pointed out, studying Aiko's expression as she rolled her eyes.

"I just want you to be smart about this, (Y/n). You saw what happened to Minato. Sweet, shy, kind girl. Then once Emi got her hold on her, she became a totally different person," Aiko shot (Y/n) a pleading look. "Now look at Minato. She's practically having a public meltdown for God knows what reason. So, please, just be careful."

(Y/n ) debated Aiko's words in her head. Emi just seemed a lot more... genuine on the roof yesterday. And it's not like the (h/c) haired girl wanted Emi's status. Still, though, she could feel the stare her best friend was giving her.

"Okay. I'll be careful." (Y/n) promised, prompting Aiko to sigh in relief. Though Aiko tried to bring up other topics to pass the time as they walked, (Y/n)'s mind kept drifting back to Emi.

When the two girls arrived at school, (Y/n) gave Aiko a small wave before they headed in opposite directions. The hallways buzzed with the usual morning activity, the sound of chatter and lockers slamming echoing all around.

Walking into her English class, (Y/n) took a seat and pulled out her laptop, waiting for it to power on. The girl turned her head to look at the back of the classroom, expecting to see that same empty desk.

To her surprise, a familiar black haired boy sat there, his eyes already locked onto the girl. He wore a smirk, leaning back against his chair with a toothpick hanging from the corner of his mouth. (Y/n)'s eyes flashed with amusement before she turned her attention to the front of the class. 

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