2.) Keiji

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The (h/c) haired girl was momentarily stunned, her reflexes kicking in just in time to prevent her from tumbling to the ground. In front of her stood a boy around her age, his vibrant orange hair catching her eye, complemented by his hazel eyes. An apron adorned his figure, his hands full with a couple of napkins.

After a few moments of shock, (Y/n) looked up at the boy, opening her mouth to excuse herself only to come to a stop. The boy was looking down at her with wide eyes, his body rigid. He continued to stare at her for a few more seconds before shaking his head and straightening his body.

"Ah- uhm, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you," the boy quickly interjected, his rushed voice smooth like honey.

Another moment of silence stretched between them before the girl offered a small, reassuring smile, only to be abruptly interrupted by the bell chiming in the halls. Panic struck her—she was going to be late.

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it, rea-" 

Before she could finish her sentence, the boy shoved the napkin in her face, the smell of fried food reaching her nose. Peering down at the napkin, she discovered a delicately powdered sweet nestled within.

"Will you please try the beignet I made? I'm in the Culinary Arts club, and I just need one more student opinion before it can become a standardized recipe here. It would really mean a lot to me!" He continued, watching her eagerly as if his life depended on it.

Hesitantly, the (e/c) eyed girl grabbed the napkin, her stomach rumbling ever so slightly. Ah, that's right, she didn't eat breakfast. 

She brought the treat to her mouth, taking a cautious bite of the sweet, her eyes widening in surprise at the explosion of flavor that danced across her taste buds. It was undoubtedly the best dessert she had ever tasted. Unable to resist, she eagerly devoured the rest of the beignet, savoring every last crumb it left behind.

A small smile tugged at the corners of the boy's lips as he observed her reaction. Rolling from heel to toe in anticipation, he clasped his hands behind his back, awaiting her verdict.

"So, you like it?" he asked, his frenzy nature soon disappearing right as the last bell rang. Class had officially started by now.

She nodded, using the napkin to dab at the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, it was actually really good. Reminded me of a doughnut," she remarked, a smile tugging at her lips as she observed the boy's face light up with delight.

"Really? Oh gosh, thank you!" Without wasting another second, the boy enveloped the girl in a hug, thanking her profusely a few times more.

(Y/n) was taken aback by the sudden hug, barely having time to register it before he released her and dashed off in the opposite direction, clearly in a rush. She didn't even catch his name.

Left alone in the hallway, she sighed. She was going to be late to AP Bio, and Mr. Oshima was a real stick in the ass about "policy" or whatever. 

Dragging her feet in front of her, (Y/n) trudged towards her classroom, each step heavy with reluctance. As she reached the door, the muffled voice of Mr. Oshima seeped through from the other side, giving her pause. Perhaps she could just skip...

No. Being tardy was better than being late. Steeling herself, she grasped the door handle and twisted it, pushing the door open with a creak.

Instantly, the room fell into an uneasy silence, all eyes turning towards her as if she had committed a grave offense. At the front of the class, Mr. Oshima stood with a stern expression, leaning against his desk with crossed arms.

"(Y/n). You're late," he stated bluntly, his tone tinged with unmistakable annoyance. "And interrupting my class. You are aware that this is an advanced placement course, correct?" His piercing gaze bore into her, the weight of his disappointment palpable in the air.

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