4.) Asahi

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As the final school bell echoed through the halls, (Y/n) rose from her seat amidst the shuffle of students, preparing to depart from her art class. While most eagerly headed home, (Y/n) veered in a different direction. Descending the stairs and turning right into the school corridor, she reached her locker.

She input the code, opening the locker door with a protesting creaking noise, pulling her jacket out and slinging it over her shoulders, zipping it up about midway. Closing her locker, she then made her way to the front of the school, stopping by the front gates to await for Yuuto.

Time ticked by, marked by the steady flow of students trickling out of Seishin Academy. (Y/n) grew increasingly restless, her boredom evident as she leaned against the gate, her gaze fixed on the horizon for any sign of Yuuto's arrival.

Finally, she saw Yuuto's form emerge from the front doors of the school; though, he was accompanied by a boy that looked to be around the same age, his appearance consisting of straight, unkempt gray hair, teal eyes, and a bored expression. Attached to his ears seemed to look like Air Pods, the boy tuning out whatever Yuuto was saying.

As the two boys finally caught up with the girl, Yuuto gracefully inclined his head in apology. "I'm sorry for the delay. Would it be alright if I invited a friend to join us? He's in dire need of some assistance with science, and I believe he would greatly benefit from your expertise," the blond haired boy inquired, adjusting his glasses with a subtle push.

(Y/n) hesitated, assessing the gray haired teen standing beside Yuuto with a hint of uncertainty. He seemed disinterested, his gaze wandering among the passing students rather than focusing on their conversation.

"Um, I suppose that's alright..." 

"Excellent! Let's not waste any time, shall we?" Yuuto interjected eagerly, a thankful grin adorning his face as the girl nodded and started their walk to the house. Yuuto easily matched her pace, causing her to look over and up at him. He was easily 6'0".

The teal-eyed boy trailed a few steps behind, audibly expressing his discontent with each stride. "Why are we walking?" he grumbled at last, his voice tinged with raspiness and a hint of roughness. "Don't you have a car?" His question hung in the air, unanswered as Yuuto shot him a disapproving glance but remained silent.

(Y/n) furrowed her brows at his comment. They hadn't even been walking for 2 minutes?

"I mean, I have a car. I just don't have a license," she answered, hearing the boy behind them let out a dragged on sigh.

"You seriously don't have a license? What are you, 12?" he jeered, eliciting an eye roll from the girl who chose to simply ignore his taunts.

Leaning in closer to the girl, Yuuto's voice lowered to a whisper, "I apologize for his behavior. He's insufferable with everyone," he confessed, straightening up afterward.

The girl only scoffed, shaking her head in the process. "I don't know why you surround yourself with people like him. I thought you were smarter than that," she pointed out.

Yuuto chuckled in response, nodding in agreement. "You're not wrong there. If it were solely my decision, I wouldn't subject myself to his antics."

"Then why do you?" she couldn't resist asking. The blond sighed, his gaze fixed ahead of them. "It's a little complicated, I'm afraid," he replied cryptically.

She furrowed her brows at the ominous response, but, nonetheless, dropped the subject. An uneasy silence settled over the trio, broken only by the rhythm of their footsteps and the faint melody emanating from the gray-haired boy's AirPods.

Seeking to dispel the tension, Yuuto ventured to restart the conversation. "Earlier, you mentioned you were babysitting, right?" (Y/n) nodded, prompting him to continue. "What are the kids like? Just so I have an idea of what to expect."

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