"Soo-bin you ~~" Mrs Choi began to scold him while Soo-bin cried loudly.

"Let me carry him " Hoseok said and Soo-bin came into his arms ," Hey bub stop crying and you shouldn't pinch little kids cheeks they get hurt na "

Soo-bin sniffled and asked ,"Than what shall I do ??"

"You can kiss their cheeks instead or softly pat it " Hoseok said and Soo-bin nodded.

"Appa take me to baby " Soo-bin said with new determination and Hoseok handed Soo-bin to Mr Choi who took him to play with kids.

Namseok went back to talk about their business stuff when they hear Jin scream at top of his lungs.

"Ya stay away from my daughter "

Followed by Taehyung who screamed equally loudly

"Don't kiss my son's cheeks you are not allowed "

Other giggle at their immature behaviour except one you know who.

"Hey you can't kiss my son like this " Taehyung said as he rocked Yeonjun in his arm who was giggling.

"But why ?? Aunty said Baby should be kissed or gently patted "

"Which aunty said this ? And who ever did is crazy . Listen to me okay I am smart  and don't touch my son okay ?"
He asked to little Soo-bin who pouted and asked  but baby is cute so how should I play with him.

Taehyung greeted his teeth ," You don't have to play with my baby play with someone who is of your age now shoo."

Mr Choi wasn't at all offended by Taehyung's behavior he could understand Man was protective.

"Little Junnie gonna have hard time getting him boyfriend"Mr Choi mutter.

On other side

" Ya Na-eun hold your Appa's hand and not this shit " Jin said but little princess ignore her Appa's whine as she held finger of her prince charming.

" Ya you kid what's your name ??" Jin asked a boy around 7 years old.

" Yuki "

" Okay Yuki be good boy and pull back your hand away from my daughter"

Yuki smirk ,"why should I??"

Jin eyes widen ," ya who are you little-"

"Ah Jin how are you ??" Jin looked up to see Kenji , the Mafia Boss and close business part of Kim's.

" Ah I am good what about you??"

"Good ..however I would like if you won't bully my Little brat here " Kenji said pointing towards his son ,Yuki who was playing with Na-eun.

"This Is your son ??? When did you get son???" Jin asked and the urge to Run far away with his princess as he saw Yuki smiling at Na-eun was something else.

"That's not point Jin. You did not get to bully my son " Kenji said

Jin pouted,"But your son is bullying my daughter."

"That's not bullying Jin , you know I can show you what real bullying means " Kenji said smiling.

Miyoko , Kenji's wife came there and roll her eyes at her husband antics ,"You two are worst than babies "

"What ?" Jin asked but Miyoko ignored him when to play with Na-eun.


Hoseok was bathing Yeonjun when Taehyung came inside room.

" Why did you do that ??"

"Do what ???"

"Why did you feed cake first to Yoongi ??"

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