Ch 8

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Hoseok started at himself in mirror . And he laughed . He laughed and he laughed.

"Pathetic bitch " Hoseok mumble as wiped away his tears. He got himself in bathe as he showered. He changed into clothes and emerged out of bathroom.

"Hoseok how do you feel ??" Namjoon asked as he grabbed his hand.




Hoseok smiled and said ," Fresh after showering"

Minjoon eyes widen when they hear Hoseok . Both didn't knew what to make out of it.

"Here are the medicine" Namjoon said as he passed him

Hoseok thank him gulping down.

"Let's go and grab luggage after all we have to go home now" Hoseok said and Minjoon definitely knew something was wrong with Hoseok.

Hoseok heard it all ...people calling him dirty names....calling him out for ruining his brother's relationship...seducing him...everything....did he care...nope.

"How dare you smile you fuckin slut " One of girl Lily said as she slapped him.

Hoseok laughed and slapped her back. He stepped towards her his eyes piercing hers ,"So what if I am slut?? Did I slut myself around your boyfriend huh?? Oh wait I don't need to cause your boyfriend does it for himself you know?? " He said and Lily tremble

Jungkook eyes widen when he saw this . Someone threw tomato at his face

"Ah fuck really throwing vegetable ?? How immature you can be huh??And why don't you throw some at this handsome dude huh??" Hoseok said walking towards Taehyung.

"He deserve this too you know it takes two to tango after all " Hosoek said and he whimpered when Jungkook slapped him pushing away.

"Stop making fool of yourself"

Hoseok giggled at this, "Fool nah brother I am certified slut call me slut since you all made something like that out of me . Anyways all boys and girls come to me okay I will quench your thirst I swing both ways you know " He said as he get into bus before winking making everyone shocked and disgusted

Jungkook clenches his fist his fingers digging inside his palm


Namjoon didn't left Hoseok side at all. He knew Hoseok was like time bomb . No one knew when it will explode.


Hoseok was slapped and hit by his mother in front of crowd of students. The only person Hoseok felt sad was for his Dad who didn't hit him nor did he said anything to him.

"Stop it . It's enough" His dad said .

"He ain't coming back home " Mrs Jeon said as she threw his stuff at him," Go and die wherever you want but don;t come back to us. We don't have son like you "

Hoseok didn't said anything he just took his bag and turn to his father," Thank you "

Was only thing he mumble before he left.


Taehyung and Jin weren't there as Helicopter was send by their father to pick them up immediately


"Hoseok you go and rest I will make dinner" Namjoon said and Hoseok nodded as he walked to Namjoon's room.

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