Chapter 17

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Zeta POV

I wake feeling more refreshed than usual. My bad dream was more sad than dramatic. A flashback of how lonely I was in the orphanage, missing my family. I did wake up feeling slightly more rested than normal. I did have a bad dream, but it was more depressing than traumatic. I was just reliving the first few weeks at the orphanage. I was completely alone, constantly crying and the other kids were mean to me. I could hear my birth father taunting me: "You're just a burden. We don't want you." I woke up sad, but not so out of it that I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I got an extra hour or so.

It sounds like I'm going to need the extra energy today. When I checked my phone, I seen a text from Enzo telling me to wear athletic clothes. I wonder what we are doing. His free time is all spent at the gym. Maybe he is taking me there? It may be a good thing. I need to get back in shape and he may open up more where he is most comfortable. My goal is to make today as little awkward as possible.

I wear a sports bra with a tight-fitting long sleeve shirt over it as well as my usual leggings. I pulled my long brown hair back into a ponytail and pull a few pieces to frame my face. I finish my outfit with some running shoes. After getting dressed, I make my way downstairs. All of my brothers are at the dining room table. I sit down and decide to just eat some fruit this morning. If we are doing some exercise, I don't want to be overly full. 

As I'm about done with my food, Enzo stands up. "Ready to go?" he asks. I nod and silently get up and follow him. We get into his black sports car and start driving. "Where are we going?" I decided to break the silence.

"Gym" he said.

"What are we doing there?"

"I thought you might as well know how to fight. If someone ever tried to hurt you again, you need to be able to protect yourself." I nod in response.

Huh. This will be fun. I am a trained boxer and did some martial arts training too. It was my adoptive parents idea. Same reason as Enzo. After my past, they wanted me to learn to fight back. It helped me with my anger and my confidence. I haven't felt like doing anything physical. The sadness overtook me for a while.

I decided I wasn't going to tell Enzo that I could fight. The surprise on his face once I show him will be funny. Plus, it kind of ruins our day if I already know. He'd have to thing of something else in the spot and it would throw everything off.

We arrive at the gym and it's huge and empty. Did he rent it out?

"Why's it empty?" I ask.

"I own it. Closed it for the day for us" he replied.

"Oh. Cool!" That was thoughtfil of him. "So where do we start?"

"Make a fist" he says. Right to business. Okay. I purposely put my thumb under my fingers, knowing that's the worst way to make a fist.

"You're going to break your thumb" he says and fixes it.

We start punching the bag. He has to keep correcting me. We do that for what felt like hours. Eventually we got to where I was punching his hands. He was defintgetring frustrated with me messing up. It took everything in me not to smile, knowing I was faking it.

We barely talked, but him doing this as patiently as possible let me know he did care. I don't take him to be the super patient type, so I know he's trying. I'd get him to open up eventually.

"Ok. You're doing pretty good now. Want to spar? I'll go easy, obviously." He said.

Time to show him my skills. I'm sure he could beat me to a pulp, but the surprise and the fact that he'll be going easy on me I might have a chance.

He helps me wrap my hands and put gloves on and we get into the ring. I wait for him to make the first move. Finally he goes in for a jab. I quickly move to the side, and I see his surprise. Honestly, his surprise is the most emotion I've seen out of him. I take this slip of emotion as the perfect time to attack. I hit him with a quick jab followed by an upper cut. He recovered and tried to swing. Again, I blocked it and hit him with another quick jab. Then I decided to send a kick to his side.
At the post, he was actually frustrated. He got me backed into the corner and started throwing jab after having, not at full force of course. I was in the worst spot, stuck and just playing defense. I looked for some opening. I studied his timing in the pinches just when I knew I had a slight opportunity, I jabed him followed by another kick to the side. He stumbled backwards and accidentally tripped.

A huge smile overtook my face. Even though this wouldn't be the end of an official fight, he and I both knew I had won our spar.

Enzo seemed annoyed at first but started laughing watching me celebrate. I started celebrating even more knowing I made the emotionless Enzo laugh. This wasn't what I expected at the start of the day, but it has been a ton of fun. I was content. No worries or thoughts on my mind. Just full of laughter remembering the surprise on Enzo's face.

Enzo POV

Zeta is full of surprises. First, I was getting annoyed at how bad she was. Then she shocked me by actually fighting skillfully. Then watching her celebrate and laugh made me smile without hiding or thinking. I even started laughing as she continued boasting. This is the lightest I've felt in so long, probably since she left in the first place.

"You knew how to fight this whole time?" I asked still in disbelief that I fell for it.

"Yep. I was really into boxing, but also trained in a few martial arts as well, but it was fun making you think otherwise" she laughed some more.

"When did you start that?" I ask

"Shortly after I was adopted. My adoptive parents seemed to have the same idea as you once they learned about my past. Helped me through a lot honestly" she explained. I nodded.

"Why did you pretend?" I asked curious.

"Well I figured the surprise would be fun, and it was well worth it. Plus, it would ruin our whole day if you didn't have anything to teach me" she shrugged.

That was thoughtful of her. I would've been screwed if this plan fell through. Despite the frustration, this had been the best day I've had in years. I realize that spending time with my sister might not be a bad thing. Sometimes being emotionless and distant is exhausting. And she's giving me a needed break.

I originally was going to end the day here, but Zeta has made me want it to never end. "Wanna go get lunch?" I ask her. Kind of nervous she wouldn't want to spend anymore time with me since I've been so distant.

"Sounds good" she said, making me relieved. Maybe Zeta will bring me back to the family.

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